Saturday 27 August 2011

Plastics & Tags

Hey guys,
Recently my dad went shoppin’ (Damn, he didn’t take me along!....(I got tuition.))…and here’s what I noticed the moment I opened the boot…..
(no pic) but the it was a mess….Why? The good news? There’s no plastic bags on Sats.
                                                           The bad news? There’s no plastic bags on Sats….

Well, I don’t see much effort of bringing a recycle bag that we guys used to collect….pink, brown, white, yellow, blue, rainbow….
In fact, this effort has just coloured your day….when you find extra colours on the bags….for example…
watery-red chicken bloodstains,
gooey-green washing liquid   …errmmm….etc..
(which makes peep wasting water to wash off those stains….shhhhh, I didn’t say anything)
Overall, it’s a good thing! (Kudos to the state gov & dad for taking several recycle bags along.)
*dad, you could have saved a few recycle bags if I tagged along, I have long hands.oohh wait, there’s a trolley.
On the other hand (it has nothing to do with plastic bags…or recycle bags)
BOOO to the market for providing false info on certain products….
For example….This!
There’s no way this bun/bread could have last so long….
And YES!!! I was right!! It became mouldy after 4 days!!!!

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