Wednesday 29 June 2011


Hey guys,
Wait! I got it!
When those people on the TV and internet asked us to listen to our heart and
pursue what we're passionate of...I Facebook and NiE Mag Competition.

So, my parents got quite upset with my involvement, thinking that my first priority should be SPM.
I don't have any good genes from you? You don't see sparks in me?
OK...I admit it. It's just that its not the right time for me to shine.

and...I know
all your blackmailing are for the best of me:
like :
If you caught me on Facebook, you would force me to further my studies in STPM.
(I was hoping for A levels)


If you caught me doing my NiE Mag competition stuffs, I would not get the chance to further my further studies abroad.

So, stop with those extortion,  please?

Thursday 23 June 2011


Hey guys.

As a form 5 student, I'll be taking SPM this year and it's kinda tough.
But that is not the main point, kay? Overall, it's about exams again....
Sorry to bore you with this topic, but what do you expect from a student?

After the mid-term exam, I've got my results. Although showed improvement (ant's footstep), but I still hope and will strive harder for straight A's (if that's possible).

Again, that's not my main point...the spot light ain't on me, but my friend:

He went for Tamil language class, while I'm in the Chinese class and after the session he went back with sorrow. Here's how It went:

90 times of caning that's just 20 times of it. Can't teachers be a little gentle on this issue.
As mentioned, many Indians and Chinese dare not take subjects of Chinese and Tamil as it is tough for them to get good marks, hence being kicked out from the list of scholars. 

Such action taken by the teacher is way too strict...and studying should be fun! From the Karate Kid (2010), Mr. Han told Dre : 物极则反meaning that once a thing reaches the limit, then it shall give the opposite effect. 

The mentality of teachers and the society...(not to be mentioned to protect my head).  

Prefectorial Board Annual General Meeting 2011

Hey guys.

SMK Seri Kembangan's Prefectorial Board just had their AGM today to elect the new committee for year 2011/12. The whole meeting was a fast one and went smoothly.

The meeting started at 1400 and ended at 1530. Committees were elected democratically.

The teachers and prefects studying the account record during the presentation. 

That's how the meeting went.

The committee for 2010/11.

Flipping through the pages of the AGM booklet.

The form 5 committee. 

Voting for candidates.

Speech by the teacher/adviser.

As for me, it's way from the opposite point of view. I witnessed the whole process and was the one of them to hand my post to the others.

Good luck to the new Committee and hope to see you guys doing a great job in making the school a better place!

Thursday 16 June 2011

Signature: Camera

Camera: Capturing moments.

I got this camera in 2008 (around that time, or is it 2007?). However, that's not what I'm discussing.

Some call it bulky.
Some call it cheap (cause its a digital cam)
Some say it can't take macro pictures
Some say the brand suckzzz

I say ( that's what matters):
I love the pictures taken.
I love it because the price is not cheap at all. (WTH?)
I love it because it is not as bulky as a SLR.
I love it because it tunes the texture automatically.
I love it because it is a Lumix (not the best brand, but still not bad) 

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ15

Made its first time action during the trip to Hanoi, Vietnam.

The summary:
-A 10x optical zoom with a 28mm wide-angle lens sets this point-and-shoot to be one of the favorites among travelers.

-At first glance, our eyes were immediately attracted to the large lens barrel on the shooter. It's no wonder considering that it houses a 10x optical zoom.

-Packed into a compact body, this shooter is a versatile performer on vacations, letting you capture vast expanses of landscape or closeup shots of foreign culture. 

Exams and results

Hey guys,
Lately, I've noticed that people nowadays are just blinded by power (including fame), numbers (money, exam results, height, weight, wealth), entertainment (hedonism) etc.

Yes, I've thought before: Is it envy? Jealousy?
Okay, I dare to admit, but at least I'm aware of it and keep reminding my self on not set other people on fire.

The moment you receive your exam paper, and I realise that my marks ain't as high as yours...In other words that soothes your ears more : my marks are worse than yours (happy now?). Since I'm aware of this fact, so its not necessary to remind me again and again. I just look at things positively, and say: kay, next time will be better. Just study harder.

On the other hand, you get marks that ain't that beautiful, just slightly lower than mine. And...depression arrive. You kept on mentioning that how dead you are in front of your parents. Is this has something to do with gaining sympathy? As observed, you just pull people's feeling down, as misery as yours...feeling sorry for you. here's an example:

"Oh no!!! My mum's gonna kill me after she sees this!!! I'm so dead!!! WTH!!!"
"ohhh...come on...its not that bad..."
"But, my mum doesn't accept results that suckzzzz."
"hey...I'm not that good either....ooooh! How I hate exams!"
 (See? That's the point the comforter feels a little low while comforting the other!)

One thing 'bout me: I don't really bargain for marks, except I'm definitely correct 'bout the answer. (that's not bargaining, that's called refund). Sometimes, I just see the students pushing the teachers for more marks, which I don't encourage it. There must be a reason the teacher (examiner) don't give you marks for that. I know, you might be just asking "I would like to know my mistake", instead it always turn out to be "I would like you (teacher) to accept my mistake."
 We don't get the chance to fight with the examiners during the government examinations right? (eg SPM, PMR, UPSR, STPM)

Most probably you guys disagree with my statement.
P/S: Reasoning is a different thing, I'm absolutely fine with that.

Signature: Guitar

Guitar: Absolutely a humble price for a humble player.

Bought on the end of 2006, via my guitar teacher, with the price of RM 210. The first impression you guys are gonna compare always will be the price....I knew that!!! Call me stingy or not qualified (to spend $$) for playing musical instruments. Many peep ought to how cheap my guitar is and poor the quality is....For me, I'm just happy the way it is (not happy in handling it). So, the next time, you guys wanna compare your Yamaha with my Brian Leonard's handmade guitar, you better be careful.

Equipped with Stagg guitar strings, the sound quality is basically acceptable. But who cares? At least, I got some skills....(not that much....currently grade-less).

My teacher used to say that when you play a piece, you have to "feel" the content of music (song). But, it didn't work out that well. (getting better when it comes to love songs!)

It's my great companion for the last 5 years in Secondary school life....together "we" express our happiness, sorrow, anger and of course, practicing skills!

See those marks? That's the effect of not trimming your nails. XD

My guitar points the fan.

The patterns ain't that beautiful...but that's not the main idea of people inventing guitars.

How many skins have you shed, my dear guitar?
Awesome huh?

Saturday 11 June 2011


Hey, guys...this is gonna be a little "moody" post.
So, basically its 'bout parents...
First of all, let me make this clear: I still love my parents.

Parents are always right, don't you damn agree with that?
When they call you, you can't hear them calling, and you get scolded (in my case, I'm being referred as deaf)
When I call them, they can't hear you and you'll get scolded for not making yourself clear enough ( referred as mute)

and...almost everything I do, there must be an opportunity (or two) for parents to slip around to scold you.
1) you're studying, and they'll say :"On the table lamp!" (although its bright enough to me)

2) while practicing m guitar, they'll comment: How come every time its the same old song? What's the purpose sending you for classes, huh? Wasting my money and time. (yup, money comes first!)

3) Why are there so many books on your table (instead of desk)? You cannot focus like that mah!

4) Winser! Winser!! come! what's this arh? (its a box) come!!! come arh!! Winser! What's inside? (I'll just reply: open the box lar..!) oooohhhh!! Winser! come!! see what's inside??!! what to do with these things arh? come!! I said, come!!!!!  \infty(its a lemniscate, sign for infinity)
  (P/S: the whole process won't come to a fullstop until I have to abandon my work to entertain my parents.)

Lastly, parents always hope to their children to be successful. In order to "stimulate" (its different than "encourage", almost to the extend of "criticizing"), parents like to compare their children to almost everybody.

When parents see Michelle Wie (a female golfer) via TV, they'll say: hey, look. People has become a million aire, but look at you!!

When they see Justin Bieber, they'll sigh: Aiii....people only 16 years old can become a singer, why you cannot arhh? (goes the same when they see Scott from American Idol)

oohhh....and they can even compare me with myself!!! "Look at you last time, so obedient!" "Last time always listen to what I say."

Once, I just shouted at my dad:" why don't you take him as your son??? !!!!". Sorry, for losing my temper, but I think my capacity is wayyy higher than you guys.

I'll try to control my temper (come on, Imma' teenager! what do you expect?), and remain silence.
I learnt my lesson: when I reply more, I will receive more nagging."

Thursday 9 June 2011

X-plore KL 9/6/11

Hey, guys!

Yesterday I just got the opportunity to explore KL (Bukit Bintang area) all by myself!
The whole "journey" was kinda awesome, but I arrived KL by 0930, where many shops are not yet opened.
So, with the shops still tightly shut, I just stroll around: from Jalan Bkit Bintang to Lot10 to Pavillion  and made a round which got me back to Jalan Bukit Bintang (this time, I'm across the road).

Here's some pictures that I've taken. Bon appetit!

Its a busy town here, especially in the morning!

Wait for your careful while crossing the road!
 Aren't you guys supposed to be with the herds on the other side?
(However, I respect your decision)

Warning, don't play in the middle of the street! Dangerous!!!

Cute water fountain statues....Boysss!!

Thursday morning sunshine's pouring. Walk some streets, seek some inspiration. 

That guy seem to be polishing the construction site. 

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it Superman? actually, its a plane. 
(Do you know that Superman comics existed since the 1930s?)

Cute car! Definitely a great price for a traffic ticket!

You can almost find anything in Kuala Lumpur.

Cool guy strolling 'long the streets of KL....alone....

Hardworking crew in front of their Ship (the restaurant's name is The Ship).
For a great piece of steak, visit:

Mirror...mirror (its a glass you moron!), where can I find a music sticker in the middle of KL?

Hey, stop smoking!!! Malaysia has almost 3 million smokers! 

__________________________OUT OF TOPIC___________________________________________

Tobacco is a dirty weed.  I like it.It satisfies no normal need.  I like it.It makes you thin, it makes you lean,It takes the hair right off your beanIt's the worst darn stuff I've ever seen.I like it.                          ~Graham Lee Hemminger                           

__________________________OUT OF TOPIC______________________________________

Sun through Pavilion's "O". 

Liuli Crystal Fountain @ Pavilion through the ring of Green Lantern.
(I bet its gonna be much better at night with the lights on the fountain!!)

DC Comics + Pavilion KL = great Green Lantern show.  

Behold...the green carpet to the paradise of DC heroes.

Roaming the streets with their bikes! 

Petronas Twin Tower



Chilling out at the KLCC park. 

I'm vacuum cleaner really water proof?
The last time I tried to suck the pile of water, the dust bag just got wet and got torn.

The link-bridge to Sri Pinang Hotel. I was curious and almost got lost. 

Exactly how much carbon pollution are we creating through these number of vehicles?
(look...its Hyundai Tucson!)

Lucky enough to see Madam Kwan (the lady with a hat on) in action @ Madam Kwan's (Pavilion branch)
(famous for its Nasi Lemak and local delights)

Pic. caught at Fahrenheit 88, currently the newest mall in KL. 

Sunday 5 June 2011

Sticky Rice in Bamboo Leaves Delight.

Hey guys, we will mark the date 6th June, 2011 as the R.I.P of Qu Yuan (屈原)...whereby the whole thing about the Rice Dumpling Festival (Duan Wu Jie)~端午节 evolved.
The identities for this festival will (and always) be:  ~ the sticky rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves, and
                                                                            ~ the dragon boat race.

For more information:

Kinda meaningful occasion, but Malaysians basically don't care how the food comes from, we just enjoy it!
(P/S : Enjoy your dumplings slowly and don't choke as they are pretty sticky! XD)

Special thanks to Yee Qiong for the wonderful dumplings!

Roast duck? Anybody?

Dumplings bought from the market. the the way, some kind of unhygienic-way of processing pork and even selling dead pork (meaning its already dead the moment you wanna slaughter it) is lurking around Malaysians, hope these issues will not be brought into the diet of the Chinese. However, be careful. 
I ain't a everything taste heavenly
You guys might wanna check out the Dragon Boat Race held in Putrajaya (2009):

The MINES a.k.a. Capital Retail.

Hey guys, my family and I went to the MINES shopping mall for dinner 4th June, 2011

Look at that cute little kid!

Had our dinner at Sushi King.
Arrived at Sushi King, and wow!!...It was packed! Go Malaysians! 

Appetizer: California Roll (st promotional price: RM2.50!)

errr...its something-spicy-chili-flakes-tuna-sushi....

I think its the only shopping mall with a river in it. What an outstanding design!

The newly-renovated section. (maybe not that new)

I remembered the "R" was a "F" last time! (look at the liquid paper marks!)

and...I think my enthusiasm on taking pics just boosted up even more, as I'm already a guy who takes tons of pics. And, I annoyed my mum during dinner due the flash of my camera (I'm only using digital camera, please don't criticise, kay? I'm in the process of learning!) Sorry mum!

Bored? Gimme another chance...

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