Sunday 5 June 2011

Sticky Rice in Bamboo Leaves Delight.

Hey guys, we will mark the date 6th June, 2011 as the R.I.P of Qu Yuan (屈原)...whereby the whole thing about the Rice Dumpling Festival (Duan Wu Jie)~端午节 evolved.
The identities for this festival will (and always) be:  ~ the sticky rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves, and
                                                                            ~ the dragon boat race.

For more information:

Kinda meaningful occasion, but Malaysians basically don't care how the food comes from, we just enjoy it!
(P/S : Enjoy your dumplings slowly and don't choke as they are pretty sticky! XD)

Special thanks to Yee Qiong for the wonderful dumplings!

Roast duck? Anybody?

Dumplings bought from the market. the the way, some kind of unhygienic-way of processing pork and even selling dead pork (meaning its already dead the moment you wanna slaughter it) is lurking around Malaysians, hope these issues will not be brought into the diet of the Chinese. However, be careful. 
I ain't a everything taste heavenly
You guys might wanna check out the Dragon Boat Race held in Putrajaya (2009):

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