Saturday 11 June 2011


Hey, guys...this is gonna be a little "moody" post.
So, basically its 'bout parents...
First of all, let me make this clear: I still love my parents.

Parents are always right, don't you damn agree with that?
When they call you, you can't hear them calling, and you get scolded (in my case, I'm being referred as deaf)
When I call them, they can't hear you and you'll get scolded for not making yourself clear enough ( referred as mute)

and...almost everything I do, there must be an opportunity (or two) for parents to slip around to scold you.
1) you're studying, and they'll say :"On the table lamp!" (although its bright enough to me)

2) while practicing m guitar, they'll comment: How come every time its the same old song? What's the purpose sending you for classes, huh? Wasting my money and time. (yup, money comes first!)

3) Why are there so many books on your table (instead of desk)? You cannot focus like that mah!

4) Winser! Winser!! come! what's this arh? (its a box) come!!! come arh!! Winser! What's inside? (I'll just reply: open the box lar..!) oooohhhh!! Winser! come!! see what's inside??!! what to do with these things arh? come!! I said, come!!!!!  \infty(its a lemniscate, sign for infinity)
  (P/S: the whole process won't come to a fullstop until I have to abandon my work to entertain my parents.)

Lastly, parents always hope to their children to be successful. In order to "stimulate" (its different than "encourage", almost to the extend of "criticizing"), parents like to compare their children to almost everybody.

When parents see Michelle Wie (a female golfer) via TV, they'll say: hey, look. People has become a million aire, but look at you!!

When they see Justin Bieber, they'll sigh: Aiii....people only 16 years old can become a singer, why you cannot arhh? (goes the same when they see Scott from American Idol)

oohhh....and they can even compare me with myself!!! "Look at you last time, so obedient!" "Last time always listen to what I say."

Once, I just shouted at my dad:" why don't you take him as your son??? !!!!". Sorry, for losing my temper, but I think my capacity is wayyy higher than you guys.

I'll try to control my temper (come on, Imma' teenager! what do you expect?), and remain silence.
I learnt my lesson: when I reply more, I will receive more nagging."

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