Thursday 23 June 2011


Hey guys.

As a form 5 student, I'll be taking SPM this year and it's kinda tough.
But that is not the main point, kay? Overall, it's about exams again....
Sorry to bore you with this topic, but what do you expect from a student?

After the mid-term exam, I've got my results. Although showed improvement (ant's footstep), but I still hope and will strive harder for straight A's (if that's possible).

Again, that's not my main point...the spot light ain't on me, but my friend:

He went for Tamil language class, while I'm in the Chinese class and after the session he went back with sorrow. Here's how It went:

90 times of caning that's just 20 times of it. Can't teachers be a little gentle on this issue.
As mentioned, many Indians and Chinese dare not take subjects of Chinese and Tamil as it is tough for them to get good marks, hence being kicked out from the list of scholars. 

Such action taken by the teacher is way too strict...and studying should be fun! From the Karate Kid (2010), Mr. Han told Dre : 物极则反meaning that once a thing reaches the limit, then it shall give the opposite effect. 

The mentality of teachers and the society...(not to be mentioned to protect my head).  

1 comment:

  1. u useless idiot from all the people on earth u posted a video of me!!! argh!!!


Bored? Gimme another chance...

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