Thursday 16 June 2011

Signature: Guitar

Guitar: Absolutely a humble price for a humble player.

Bought on the end of 2006, via my guitar teacher, with the price of RM 210. The first impression you guys are gonna compare always will be the price....I knew that!!! Call me stingy or not qualified (to spend $$) for playing musical instruments. Many peep ought to how cheap my guitar is and poor the quality is....For me, I'm just happy the way it is (not happy in handling it). So, the next time, you guys wanna compare your Yamaha with my Brian Leonard's handmade guitar, you better be careful.

Equipped with Stagg guitar strings, the sound quality is basically acceptable. But who cares? At least, I got some skills....(not that much....currently grade-less).

My teacher used to say that when you play a piece, you have to "feel" the content of music (song). But, it didn't work out that well. (getting better when it comes to love songs!)

It's my great companion for the last 5 years in Secondary school life....together "we" express our happiness, sorrow, anger and of course, practicing skills!

See those marks? That's the effect of not trimming your nails. XD

My guitar points the fan.

The patterns ain't that beautiful...but that's not the main idea of people inventing guitars.

How many skins have you shed, my dear guitar?
Awesome huh?

1 comment:

  1. Really very unique guitar... Thanks for sharing information about this guitar. I always love to see handmade guitar as they show the reflection of that guitar maker.


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