Thursday 16 June 2011

Exams and results

Hey guys,
Lately, I've noticed that people nowadays are just blinded by power (including fame), numbers (money, exam results, height, weight, wealth), entertainment (hedonism) etc.

Yes, I've thought before: Is it envy? Jealousy?
Okay, I dare to admit, but at least I'm aware of it and keep reminding my self on not set other people on fire.

The moment you receive your exam paper, and I realise that my marks ain't as high as yours...In other words that soothes your ears more : my marks are worse than yours (happy now?). Since I'm aware of this fact, so its not necessary to remind me again and again. I just look at things positively, and say: kay, next time will be better. Just study harder.

On the other hand, you get marks that ain't that beautiful, just slightly lower than mine. And...depression arrive. You kept on mentioning that how dead you are in front of your parents. Is this has something to do with gaining sympathy? As observed, you just pull people's feeling down, as misery as yours...feeling sorry for you. here's an example:

"Oh no!!! My mum's gonna kill me after she sees this!!! I'm so dead!!! WTH!!!"
"ohhh...come on...its not that bad..."
"But, my mum doesn't accept results that suckzzzz."
"hey...I'm not that good either....ooooh! How I hate exams!"
 (See? That's the point the comforter feels a little low while comforting the other!)

One thing 'bout me: I don't really bargain for marks, except I'm definitely correct 'bout the answer. (that's not bargaining, that's called refund). Sometimes, I just see the students pushing the teachers for more marks, which I don't encourage it. There must be a reason the teacher (examiner) don't give you marks for that. I know, you might be just asking "I would like to know my mistake", instead it always turn out to be "I would like you (teacher) to accept my mistake."
 We don't get the chance to fight with the examiners during the government examinations right? (eg SPM, PMR, UPSR, STPM)

Most probably you guys disagree with my statement.
P/S: Reasoning is a different thing, I'm absolutely fine with that.

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