Wednesday 30 November 2011

The Knot

Finally, I received the notification for which camp am I posted to for National Service (PLKN).
If you're part of the "crew", yet not knowing which camp you're in, kindly refer on:
and after keying in your IC num., you'll get something like this:
(this is what I got)


Mum got shocked that I am in NS, and is squeezzing every sort of ways on skipping or postponing PLKN.
But to me, I'm lucky enough to be in the first badge, which starts as early as New Year and ends by April? 
By that time, I'll be getting my SPM results and then further my studies....and here comes a knot....

So parents and I agreed on me doing Law. I can't figure out any other suitable courses and jobs...
Mum declined Journalism for me, and Dad is quite stingy nowadays. Dad emphasizes that GCE A-Levels is very expensive, takes a very long time, furthering my Degree in Law (LLB) costs about 1Million, not finding a good job, gets very low pay, failing exams, thinking that Cambridge A-levels will lead to no other universities but Cambridge because of the name, criticizing why I have to choose my courses now, hoping that I'll further my studies in local Universities, bashing those colleges and universities providing A-levels, comparing his times and nowadays education system etc...etc...etc...

Basically, Dad is keeping all his money to himself and have no sign of funding me in college, or whatever I've chosen. Money is not everything, but can we at least sit down and discuss about this matter? It's your son's future that you're playing with now after so many times of avoiding this conversation. The reason why I prefer International Uni more than Local Uni is because they make international and national people, while Local U graduates are more likely to be bounded in their country. 

I've been Googling for A level courses, and yes, it is pretty expensive....around RM15,000 to 20,000 for most universities and colleges. However, if you're the Rich type, you might consider Taylor's (around 28k).

People like me opt for something 
1) Sunway University : price not stated (around 20k)
2) Methodist KL : RM11,700 to 13,500 
3) Brickfields Asia : RM10,500 to 15,000
4) HELP : RM21,000 to 25,000 
5) TAR : RM<10,000 (according to internet forums)
6) St. John : RM11,000 to 13,600

Well...there you is full of choices...

SPM: day 9 : BO

It was still okay...

The first time I'm writing about infertility and I dumped Long Jack and Viagra into the essay....this is terrible.
After that only I realized that there's such section in our syllabus and everything was kinda tooooo late.
The spotted questions came out, so I didn't die...or at least I didn't die in a pathetic way. That's something relieving

I'm still thinking 'bout my Chemistry paper...17 marks just gone like that....
God, save me...pleassseeee??

to the Bananas (people who are chinese but didn't take Mandarin as a SPM subject) and some people, plus not taking additional subjects, yup, that's their last paper.

Mandarin's next Wed (7/12/11), so I'm gonna take rest, too.

Here's some pictures that I've taken while I'm supposed to study.

Edward, I've killed a little bloody friend of yours.

Glad to have them gone...for now...

The Chemistry session was really awesome. At least I learned something. 

Yup. Calvin...and biology

It is supposed to be horizontal, but I'm too lazy to change it : 
GUESS if you do not know the answer.

The special one...I'm gonna leave this till SPM ends. 

When there 10 subjects ahead.....

When there are 3 subjects ahead

and the remaining 7 under the desk.



I's lame.....

Tuesday 29 November 2011

SPM: day 8 : KI

Paper 3 juz killed me.

Still, I believe that my Manipulated Variable is acceptable, although the book says otherwise.

The supposed-to-be MV is volume...mine is time.

Many people don't see the logic there, I wonder is it just me seeing things weirdly. Hope the examiner is as weird as I am. Gosh!!! I'm so F__ked up now.  17 marks gone...poof*

Dad, don't you ever think that I'm so easily taken advantage of. Helping you to cut the ginger does not mean you get to get over the limit. As a favour in return, don't expect your son to pass his Biology tomorrow. You think yelling at me will get me studying? Think again...

   Exam : Winser
11 : 5

Monday 28 November 2011


Tomorrow's Chemistry test...till 3.30pm
why do they have to squeeze all the papers into 1 day?
It's pretty tiring, in fact it's never pretty.
By 12.00 noon, I'll be taking Paper 2, where most marks are allocated,
that's when I get tired...and sleepy.

That went the same to my Physics....not able to concentrate....
and will go the same with Biology.

I need caffeine.....

Actually, I don't really get it when people don't go out during exam season.
The reason will always, and always be the same : I need to study.

But, take a good look, even though you're at home, how much time do you spend on studying.
Like me, I stare at the wall more than I read the book, my trips to the toilet more than my words written, with that, I spend lots of time drinking water rather than revising.

Eye of the Tiger


Sunday 27 November 2011

Be very, very afraid...

Not Afraid by Eminem

The monster you're facing is just yourself...
and ....SPM...
Great! Biology, Chemistry and Mandarin...
here comes the tripple attack....that gives you a KKKKO.

Time to face the demons...

Thursday 24 November 2011

Javier Colon.

Presenting to you...Javier Colon...from Adam's team....
Winner of the The Voice S1. 

Time After Time

Javier, now you can buy enough diapers for your family.
Nice head, by the way.

SPM: day 7 : FI

yup, i've got squashed by physics, some bruises by know.....E=mc^2 and i forgot the ^2!!!
a few mistakes gone here and there, like not reading the questions carefully (realllyyyy blind), forgot to apply the theories....yet, i knew them like they are my twin (ok, perhaps a little too much)

3 papers & it's pretty tiring, the scorching sun that drowns you with the heat...literally making my brain....errmm..numb. 

why the last paper always have to be the most awful one? just like maths (last wed). 

cheers...and the person that shred me to death during physics exam.

Exam : Winser
9 : 5 

Wednesday 23 November 2011

SPM: day 6 : MT

Oh yeah! I've recovered from my fever.
The Add Maths questions were still ok...
pretty confident with this subject, regardless the mistakes that I've done.

Hope that everything will turn out to be great, in fact, not just great, but Awesome.

Tomorrow will be the first science...Physics....candidates killa...

Exam : Winser
8 : 5

Mind the message...just enjoy the melody.

Tuesday 22 November 2011


well...I'm sick...sore it's swollen....feverish...can't concentrate.

O' Lord...I need my luck, health and wisdom...back...please? I need 'em for my SPM...

congratzz M'sia for scoring...

Monday 21 November 2011

@ the Study Desk

Well, nobody owns knowledge. 

This is the SPM schedule. The paper was so "absorbful" till that when you highlight 1 page, you are actually highlighting 2. 

No, it's not wrong. It's just unique.


I should have spent more time on my studies, instead of drawing these. 
(well, it's not like it ate lots of time)

Ha! From the Seminar..and it stated "2011 BI answers" and it turned out not to be true at all. 

Great! My add. maths workbook fell into the slit. and I have no idea how to get it. 

Bloody questions...(it's been more than once)

Sunday 20 November 2011

SPM: day 5 : PM's 11.30am and I'm back already, just one paper.

Everything seemed to go wrong with the school this morning, like....
~problems with the amplifier and microphones, so the assembly was cancelled, meaning there was no "prayer   session" for the Malays and for us.

~No keys, hence no access to their examination halls. The guard wasn't around and there was around 10 minutes left before the exam started. The invigilators had no choice but asked the canteen fellow to pry open the staircase lock.

It's Akta Perlindungan Pengguna!! and I got that wrong....I wrote Akta SUHAKAM...

I used the new format of answering the questions, and hope they are acceptable, or else...I guess I need no more fear with the exams....

I finished the paper by 0900 and everybody is still writing....I wonder why? Did I miss out something? Why is my answer that short?

Hope that everything turn out well.

Tomorrow's a holiday for us, and after that comes nightmare....Add. Maths and Physics on Wed & Thur respectively.

  Exam : Winser
7 : 4

songs of the day...don't ask me why...

Speak Now (Taylor Swift)

If you only knew (Maroon 5) 

What are Words (Chris Medina)

Ronald Jenkees - Canon in D Remix

That feeling of breaking free is just killing me...

What's wrong with me?

I asked my dad to shut up during dinner.

Mum joked that I was moody as I was too harsh while washing the dishes, and I broke a bowl. 

Here's something to cheer you up, although I'm still acting one kind....


Saturday 19 November 2011


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

                              ~Invictus, via 'Invictus'

Ragam 5 Daisi 1 (2011)

Dedicated to classmates of 5D1. (well, I wrote this like on...April?)
Hope this made it into the School Mag. XD

Diam-diam ubi Daisi satu,
Sebalik batu permata berkilauan,
Gembleng tenaga kita bersatu,
Persefahaman sama-sama kita wujudkan.

Tanpa ketua hilang arah tuju,
Berkat bimbingan kejayaan terjana,
Bawah asuhan Puan Loh guruku,
Monitor Aini, Jeng Shin hebat belaka.

Di pelosok kelas riang-riang gembira,
Cecah langit ketawa membahak,
Tanpa Xin Hui hilang ceria,
Suara Ho, Ang lantang memekak.

Dalam hatiku lagu bergema,
Dengan mulut petah berkata,
Voon How, Jonas lidah permata,
Sajak debat dijamin pertama.

Ayam berkokok tanda pagi,
Di kandang kerbau menguap malas,
Sih Chen, Kar Yan, Man Kheng, Mei Gee,
Jason menambah seri sekelas.

Pada jendela aku mengelamun,
Terfikir, terbayang, lahirlah rindu,
Ee Lynn, Yen Lin, Elaine dan How Mun,
Senyuman manis umpama madu.

Pandai eja pandai mengira,
Buku ilmu berisi sekamar,
Tekad berbulat semangat membara,
Harapan Jeynn, Wilson dan Jayakumar.

Tika malap hari mendingin,
Diterangi bintang jalan nescaya,
Xiao Chin, Charisse, Qiao Yuan, Yen Xin,
Selaku pembimbing rakan sebaya.

Ilmu agama rajin ditelaah,
Corak bahasa cantik bertakhta,
Syahmie, Nabila, Afiq, Adibah,
Ina, Balqis pandai bercerita.

Pokok serai berteman di samping,
Cantik nian nyiur melangsing,
Ho, Michelle, Chiew dan Yin Ping,
Pengerusi lembaga masing-masing.

Digemakan lagu suguz merdu,
Dihiburkan penonton dengan ludruk,
Yaw Joe, Kah Pow, Chua dan Choo,
Chiang Her telah menjadi seprinduk.

Mekar penuh bunga raya,
Menjelang subuh tepi telaga,
Dari diam Keng Chew bergaya,
Thinniesh, Ken Lip tak kurang juga.

Tercetus persepsi pandangan baharu,
Diperoleh ilmu alam ajaib,
Tatkala Siva, Rao, Win Ser diseru,
Tanpa perasan mereka ghaib!

There you go...43 people's name in it!

Friday 18 November 2011


Something great about radio 
is that they feed you with songs
you have to feed yourself in Youtube.



I tried and tried and... Okay...maybe not that much, yet I still got damn many wrongsss!!
20 slashes!!! *chokes* & *hanged to death*

Oh..and I realized something...
People that are confident pose in front of the camera,
People that are timid just stare in front of the mirror. 

How I am supposed to love somebody who is busy loving others?
Maybe that's just a stupid excuse for not daring to try...

Thursday 17 November 2011

SPM: day 4 : MA

I'mma hate you forever!!!

Paper 1 was good enough to kill me. 8 mistakes!!!!!! Probably the worst in the whole Daisi classes!
What a disgrace.
1.A 2.A 3.D 4.A
5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B
9.A 10.B 11.C 12.A
13.A 14.C 15.D 16.C
17.A 18.D 19.A 20.D
21.A 22.C 23.D 24.B
25.B 26.C 27.C 28.B
29.B 30.C 31.A 32.C
33.B 34.C 35.C 36.D
37.D 38.B 39.D 40.B

I got a vulgar word from my dad...

Paper 2 left me lost with all those bloody questions....I died.

Yesterday I was confident enough to get "featherly-flapping colours" and yet today it is as good as buried in the coffin upside down (even though it may rise from the dead, it will still rise at the wrong direction.)...

I blame this on KevJumba and Dad.....for being more interesting than Maths....

I'm dead. I'm gonna keep this thing away from my parents.

 "Exam" got a combo attack and killed "Winser."

  Exam : Winser
7 : 3

Estimated result = 140 - 8 (obj) - 4 (graph) - 4 (shading wrongly) - 4 (careless) - 2 (wrong subset) - 3
                            (wrong mean) - 3 (wrong histogram) - 8 (etc.)
                         = 104
                         = 74 % (damn! here goes my so-hopeful A)

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Tuesday 15 November 2011

SPM: day 3 : SE

His-story today....phheeww....damn it was the longest piece of thing I've ever written, but I wonder do I have any points inside 'em.....

So, it wasn't that tough, and still, I got mixed up with what the question wanted, like

Jelaskan muslihat yang digunakan oleh British dalam pelaksanaan Malayan Union.

My answer:
"Muslihat" boleh ditafsirkan kepada cara-cara pelaksanaan M.U. dan tindakan untuk manjayakan MU.

Head of invigilator: Calon-calon, anda masih mempunyai 10 minit lagi.
                             (dear candidates, you still have 10 minutes to answer your questions)
Candidates           : WTH!!!
Head of invigilator: Oh...maaf. 40 minit lagi. (opps...40 minutes actually)
Thanks for the adrenaline boost....

Tomorrow: Maths


1A   2A   3B    4C   5C
6C   7D   8B    9D 10A
11D 12D 13D 14A 15B
16A 17B 18A 19C 20A
21C 22B 23C 24D 25D
26C 27B 28B 29C 30B
31B 32A 33A 34C 35D
36A 37D 38B 39D 40B

(Source: Amirul Afiq via. Facebook)

Exam : Winser
2 : 3 

Super Bass-Nicki Minaj (De-Mix) ft. Megan Nicole

成長 最殘酷的部分就是
女孩的成熟 沒移個難還招架的住

Monday 14 November 2011

It's just not that easy

Well, some of you questioned about me being a jerk when it comes to relationship.
And yes, I have to admit, I have no guts
(no, I'm not a girl or a gay, I have balls!!!! () () arrgh! or else I'mma rip off yours!)

Okay...back to the point.
I think that...
It is pretty easy to start a relationship. But, I think it's never easy to end one. I mean, it's not like I must end one every time I get into one, it's just that what if you're not her cup of tea, or ended up with an argument? It's breaking 2 hearts, okay, sometimes only one...but not for me.

It is just not as easy as putting a full stop into a relationship.

Perhaps, I'm not ready.....

Great, it's in the SPM month and I'm thinking of these things.

 A heart doesn't always break even... 

And...isn't it even more painful when you're already heartbroken before you started?

SPM: day 2 : BI

It's English paper today, and yeah...

Before I woke up, I dreamed about Mr Lim EG and Pn. Satkuna (both English teachers) getting lost in the parking lot, don't ask me why.

And thanks to as it really helped in my essay, particularly The Break Up Survival Part 5 .

So far, (only a few) This is the best piece of essay I've ever written, despite the terrible writings of mine.
I wrote about "The Best Things in Life are Free" and I used to have this a bookmark with this quote on it, from Reader's Digest, so I think of giving it a try.

My content: Nature, health, knowledge, love and... life.
Some of you might think that you need to buy knowledge, and it's kinda hard to explain.
In other words,

which I wrote in my essay: You cannot buy other people's brain!

or you would like a better explanation from Jonas:
Yes we get free education because we get free text books.

Some other best things in life that are free: Freedom and Oxygen.

So, I added in some quotes from the gay author, Oscar Wilde (copied via Jasryn.blogspot), Steve Jobs, and lyrics from "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga.

As for Paper 2, I didn't really write well for my summary, and got confused on what the question is asking about in the Novel section.

  Exam : Winser
1 : 2

Song of the day: 
Tell me baby by Red Hot Chili Peppers. 

Oops...History tomorrow.... @#$%^  )(*!   errm ...meaning peace out. 

SPM: day 1 : BM

Wooah!! Almost all of the spotted question by the tuition centre, teachers and myself were "not so accurate".
Totally unpredictable!
Who knew that Pantun 6 Kerat, Hik. 2 Geliga Hikmat, Cempaka would have came out!
Ain't that the first badge (us) get the privilege to get the main (easy, spotted) topics, like Harga Remaja?
And the Bina Ayat section killed most of us at the first question, but got better afterwards.

Who knows what the heck is "cepumas"? (it means jackpot) 
and halaju has the same meaning as had laju.

Our exam hall (a class actually) has the most invigilators, which is around 4, with the head of invigilator included. Lucky us!

I have to stop mixing up with the "subject code" and the "subject" slot.

Guess everything is still OK....for now.

English subject tomorrow. Yet, Im'ma study Sejarah and Maths.

          Kill the examiner with your words and the grace of God 
                                             and let the examiner say Oh! My God. 
                                                                             ~Murugan via Kasturi Seminar

  Exam: Winser
1: 1

Saturday 12 November 2011

RHCP : The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie

Hey now 
We've got to make it rain somehow 
She told me to 
And showed me what to do 
Our Maggie makes it in a cloud

Thursday 10 November 2011

It Will Rain.


  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Bruno really does have an amazing talent! I just can't get enough of him! <3

Cause there’ll be no sunlight If I lose you, baby.There’ll be no clear skies If I lose you, baby.Just like the clouds...My eyes will do the same. if you walk away...Everyday it will rain, rain, rain...


To: Winser

Happy birthday. May your wishes come true. Excel in everything.

Lay faith in God, lay fate in you.

Yours sincerely,

Winser, Chuak


Taken from blok F, SMK SK. 

What other people see. 
What I see.

Words to be cherished and treasured. 

Let me carve a smile on you.

Hello, my name is Winser. What a pleasure to meet you!

The study desk...

I don't communicate numbers...but that's all I know 'bout 'em.

Im'ma get a sugar rush.*scavenges a pack of insulin*

Pleasure is the flower that passes; remembrance, the lasting perfume.  
                                                                                ~Jean de Boufflers

Dizzy & weak? I've got no time to mess around!

I've been through 'em, a lot. 

Shall no fear creeps on us, lurks beneath us, as beyond us, there is light.  

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Remember when... ... ... ....

The relevant part :

That there would be a time for us to say goodbye,

But I'm not lost, I'm not gone, I haven't forgot

These feelings I can't shake no more

These feelings are running out the door
I can feel it falling down

Remember when...

Now I'm alone again

That was then
Now it's the end

I can't pretend


7 + 21 hmmm....*punches calculator*....38 days...
or 37...or 39... 
(depending on how you do the maths) 
left for the last paper (Mandarin!) 
which means...


Oh hell no...SPM and the separation?It's too tough....
                                                                  Thank God there's Facebook.

Confession: I'm gonna miss you...a lot! Just looking at you is an indulgence. 

Sunday 6 November 2011


 or  or  or 
The fish-looking boy           the shy, silent guy          the low shouldered guy          the "awesome" boy

 or  or  or 
The typical Asian male     the flat, small-eyed boy          the in-the-car-guy            the almost-tallest-guy

I don't care, actually. Yup, there may be weird sides of me, and that depends on how you see "it."

With any story I write, I could actually write it from three or four different perspectives, which would end with a completely different moral at the end. Tracey Emin

Bored? Gimme another chance...

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