Monday 14 November 2011

It's just not that easy

Well, some of you questioned about me being a jerk when it comes to relationship.
And yes, I have to admit, I have no guts
(no, I'm not a girl or a gay, I have balls!!!! () () arrgh! or else I'mma rip off yours!)

Okay...back to the point.
I think that...
It is pretty easy to start a relationship. But, I think it's never easy to end one. I mean, it's not like I must end one every time I get into one, it's just that what if you're not her cup of tea, or ended up with an argument? It's breaking 2 hearts, okay, sometimes only one...but not for me.

It is just not as easy as putting a full stop into a relationship.

Perhaps, I'm not ready.....

Great, it's in the SPM month and I'm thinking of these things.

 A heart doesn't always break even... 

And...isn't it even more painful when you're already heartbroken before you started?


Bored? Gimme another chance...

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