Friday 4 November 2011

Mohon Restu & Contradiction

Well...yesterday was a Mohon Restu day. It's basically a program whereby the teachers wish the best for  their students (all of the students, actually, but gives more in-depth advice to those they teach). Simple though, yet meaningful for the SPM candidates. We watched 6 video clips, one about an athlete that continues his race though injured, 2 about the love and sacrifice and hope from parents, one about the struggle for survival between a zebra with a lioness and 2 slide shows filled with motivational quotes.

We wished and hug each other and shook hands with the teachers. I've got a hug from Pn. Parames, our prefectorial board teacher, a lecture from my BM teacher, En. Hashim, a "threat" from Pn. Satkuna (BI) if I don't get an A+, a thumbs-up from Pn. Onita, a "God bless you" from En. Lim E.G. , a very firm handshake from Vice YDP PIBG, En. Lee T.S., and lots of handshakes & hugs from teachers and friends.

Oh, remember 'bout the incident that I broke Noel's capo? I got her a new one.  Specifically, this:

Noel, you could make great music. 

P/S: I almost got clamped between the monorail doors because of you, and got into the wrong train. And, I'm happy to do so because I'm doing this for you.

And, the first time in my life, I met a 16-year-old boy, Lee Ming Bin  whose has the mentality of an adult. This is one of my most interesting conversation I ever had, trying to keep up with his pace of thinking. We talked about "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", financial management and our school lives. His English accent was a never-heard-before-in-this-school kind, something that surprises me. Trying to get a grasp of what his saying, I tried to think of something "smart" to engage in the conversation, which often leads to contradictions and silence.  It's fun talking to him, till the extend of hoping to call him out for a cup of tea just for a chat.

This is the 100th post. Cheers. 8 more days to SPM, folks! Wish me luck!


Bored? Gimme another chance...

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