Tuesday 29 November 2011

SPM: day 8 : KI

Paper 3 juz killed me.

Still, I believe that my Manipulated Variable is acceptable, although the book says otherwise.

The supposed-to-be MV is volume...mine is time.

Many people don't see the logic there, I wonder is it just me seeing things weirdly. Hope the examiner is as weird as I am. Gosh!!! I'm so F__ked up now.  17 marks gone...poof*

Dad, don't you ever think that I'm so easily taken advantage of. Helping you to cut the ginger does not mean you get to get over the limit. As a favour in return, don't expect your son to pass his Biology tomorrow. You think yelling at me will get me studying? Think again...

   Exam : Winser
11 : 5


Bored? Gimme another chance...

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