Wednesday 30 November 2011

SPM: day 9 : BO

It was still okay...

The first time I'm writing about infertility and I dumped Long Jack and Viagra into the essay....this is terrible.
After that only I realized that there's such section in our syllabus and everything was kinda tooooo late.
The spotted questions came out, so I didn't die...or at least I didn't die in a pathetic way. That's something relieving

I'm still thinking 'bout my Chemistry paper...17 marks just gone like that....
God, save me...pleassseeee??

to the Bananas (people who are chinese but didn't take Mandarin as a SPM subject) and some people, plus not taking additional subjects, yup, that's their last paper.

Mandarin's next Wed (7/12/11), so I'm gonna take rest, too.

Here's some pictures that I've taken while I'm supposed to study.

Edward, I've killed a little bloody friend of yours.

Glad to have them gone...for now...

The Chemistry session was really awesome. At least I learned something. 

Yup. Calvin...and biology

It is supposed to be horizontal, but I'm too lazy to change it : 
GUESS if you do not know the answer.

The special one...I'm gonna leave this till SPM ends. 

When there 10 subjects ahead.....

When there are 3 subjects ahead

and the remaining 7 under the desk.



I's lame.....

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