Monday 28 November 2011


Tomorrow's Chemistry test...till 3.30pm
why do they have to squeeze all the papers into 1 day?
It's pretty tiring, in fact it's never pretty.
By 12.00 noon, I'll be taking Paper 2, where most marks are allocated,
that's when I get tired...and sleepy.

That went the same to my Physics....not able to concentrate....
and will go the same with Biology.

I need caffeine.....

Actually, I don't really get it when people don't go out during exam season.
The reason will always, and always be the same : I need to study.

But, take a good look, even though you're at home, how much time do you spend on studying.
Like me, I stare at the wall more than I read the book, my trips to the toilet more than my words written, with that, I spend lots of time drinking water rather than revising.

Eye of the Tiger


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