Sunday 6 November 2011


 or  or  or 
The fish-looking boy           the shy, silent guy          the low shouldered guy          the "awesome" boy

 or  or  or 
The typical Asian male     the flat, small-eyed boy          the in-the-car-guy            the almost-tallest-guy

I don't care, actually. Yup, there may be weird sides of me, and that depends on how you see "it."

With any story I write, I could actually write it from three or four different perspectives, which would end with a completely different moral at the end. Tracey Emin


  1. how about a short n gay guy... it really suits you!! LOL!! BTW... good job on the pics

  2. I'm not short, so I'm not gay!

  3. are you saying tall people are gay? ACCEPT THE TRUTH WINSER, YOU ARE SHORT,SLIM, N GAY!! n u have a guy as ur husband!!!

  4. friend have the misconception about heights the determines your gender-attraction-thingy. I am tall (though not as tall as you), thin (ain't slim, at least fitter than u) and not gay. You see, gays gets emotional easily and they tend to type in CAPITAL letters to express their emotions (refer above comment).


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