Saturday 16 July 2011

canTEEN day!

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Servus everybody!!

Now you know how to greet people in German!
  (copied from flickr)

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Hey guys...
my school held an activity first time since my first step into this school....Canteen Day! was pretty hectic there are lot of stuffs to manage.....especially when it comes to food!

I sponsored 5 trays of eggs...(hoping to claim part of the $$..XD) for my class....while the others are busy preparing Nasi Lemak....Malaysian best cuisine eva!

There are a few things I really wanna do:              Status:
1) Busking (inspired by Noel and the gang)      Failed (cancelled and my guitar was no match of the noise)
2) Buy Galaxy Mag                                               Failed (ran out of coupons...)
3) Help the Prefectorial Board                            Failed (sufficient manpower...)

* Hey! guess what? I succeeded the last 2 tasks as they still got extra (leftovers...) and helped them promoting!

This time....I practiced the "Malaysian Pasar style" of promoting products ....shouting...yelling...freaking everybody out....freaks me out, too!

Okay....his idea is way effective than me shouting around like nutssss!

The Computer Club sold soft drinks and was quite a big hit....finished around 12.00pm....Wooaaah!!!! Easy job....

Then, I checked on my Class's booth selling Nasi Lemak....ran out of Nasi (rice) while having tons of side dishes...
From left: Yung Lim, me, and Ken Lip.

From left: Yung Lim, Noraini,me, Ken Lip, Balqis, Chiang Her and Nur Fajrina. 

One of the Angry Bird the real world. 

I got bored....
and decided to help English Language Society (ELS) out....selling pastries with names that I don't really Banana Truffles....and Eureka! 
Truffles means: A soft candy made of a chocolate mixture, typically flavored with rum and covered with cocoa. 

Using the same style, I SANG to promote! As many don't understand what the names we used an easier phrase: Banana Cakes (way different!). I started by giving out samples of the cake, and barely hit any customers... With a "chef hat" on, I started singing : Come and get your Banana Cake! ~oh yeah!~ (with the Misery (maroon5 chorus!))....and sounded awkward....however it does work. 

Another way of promoting is via samples! The teacher in charge, Pn Satkuna had some "not-so-presentable" cakes and gave them to me...

When a guy asked that whether its free, I said "Yeah! Try first. If you like em', go ahead and buy 'em!" and he took one piece and walked off!!!!  (nothing annoyed me really... ). The moment the guy left, his friends all booed at him!! and after 5 minutes, he came back and bought some of the  "deliciousness-that-melts-in-your-mouth" cakes! 
WTH! Peer-pressure advertising!!!

From left: S. Ruthresh Rao, weird-weird me 
(I think I got the wrong way of wearing the hat)

By 2.30pm there were still quite many of the cakes, so we had a "stock clearance" promotion:
From 1 piece for RM4, 2 pieces RM6
to 1 piece free 1 piece (RM4)
to 3 for RM4
to 6 for RM2  !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Insanity rules!!)

Remarks: The cakes were quite expensive (no offense), but at the bright side: you get to taste the masterpiece of the Head-chef from Palace of Golden Horses (a 6 star hotel!)!! plus exquisite, heavenly, sense-stimulating (IDK! XP), beautiful and high quality ingredients!!!  

As for drinks:
RM2 for 1 to
RM1 for 1 to 
giving out for free!!!!!! (Spread the love peeps!!!)

will be updating soon.... the way...proudly presenting your guitarists for Canteen Day! 

Noel Ng 


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