Monday 4 July 2011


Hey guys,

I supposed this is the 2nd rainbow that I've seen this year.
Rainbow's ain't permanent.
They leave and go.
That day, our family bid farewell to our house maid who has been keeping me lazy for the last 2-3 years.
Woke up at 0330 and fled to LCCT (nearby KLIA)
had breakfast at McD's and finally sent her away with best regards.
Caught a couple of shut eye while waiting for the rain to stop (the car's parked at open space)
On the way home, stopped by Pasar Borong Selangor.
That's when I spotted a bridge of rainbow.

Though its only half of it....but its kinda beautiful after a morning drizzle.

Rainbow's like the maid....she comes and go....

Our maid. 

Be strong, young mower of the-grain; That love shall overmatch disdain, Its instincts soon or late The heart shall vindicate.
Not she who lightly laughed is there,With scornful toss of midnight hair,Her dark, disdainful eyes,And proud lip worldly-wise.                                             ~John Greenleaf

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