Thursday 21 July 2011

Chinese, Mandarin....whateva!



This year, I lost my inspiration in writing Chinese....kinda weird....
Yup, it is weird after my essay was commented by the tuition teacher
my essay is WEIRD!!!!
and stated although I read much, but there is no deep/complete understanding about the context.....Keep it up.....

Woooahhh.....I kinda ignored the "keep it up" phrase, and was quite upset....

OKay...fine! I'll do better next time.....if there is next time! (depends on my mood)

However, it has been the most enjoyable moment in school and tuition centre attending Mandarin classes....

With 5000 years of history, yup...there's plenty to share + history of Malaysian chinese....
Analyzing poems, poetry and the background is kinda fun....yet boring....(its blended)
The fun thing is you get to listen to stories.
The boring part is when the story is not your cup of tea.

What that impressed me recently was the typical Chinese concept on "go deep in yet coming out shallow". (it has nothing to do with input and output).Don't get the wrong means such context should be in easy-to-comprehend-words yet with deep meanings.....

here's an example: (rough interpretation, and translation)....dedicated to Motherssssss

余光中 之著: 今生今世 This life....

This life
there're two sobs that I'll never forget
one, is the beginning of my life
another, is when you departed
The first time, I can't recall, all are from your words
The second time, you'll never know, it'll be useless even though I tell

Between the two cries
there's unlimited laughters
一遍 一遍 又 一遍                                                                                            
echoing the whole thirty years
你都晓得  我都懂得                                                                                
You understand, I comprehend

*Taught by Pn. Chew BB at school....


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