Wednesday 6 July 2011


Hey guys,
If you have read my previous post on "Rainbow" , you would have known that our house maid has gone home.
and my house is currently a little messy....(my territory is the messiest!).

Here's the point:
What I can't tolerate is the nagging, shouting, accusing, fighting, commenting, criticizing (very form of negative communication words you can think of)....the very second I step into the car when my dad picks me up, I would get a damn freaking unfriendly welcome....
~eg "where have you been? Why so long?" , "Be more alert ahh!!!!",  "You think I'm your driver ah???" , "Wasting my time only la you! 1 minute I can earn lots of money!" etc....

okay....If I was energetic, then I would have shown some respond or even quarrel...though its not really right to fight with parents....

But, if I was down (moody) that day, those scoldings would have just open a blackhole sucking all my morale which is already low enough!

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