Friday 15 July 2011

A House in a House.

Hey guys....
Straight to the point: the first"House" refers to Dr. Gregory House from House MD while the other "house" is the normal house that we all live in....

If you're a fan of House, then you should know how suckzz his character is....especially in Season 7: loving Cuddy, back to Vicodine (please don't do drugs), having a fake marriage with Karolina, jumping from his hotel room (if not mistaken), hence freaking the shit out of Wilson, and crashing into Cuddy's house, which stunned Wilson again.....(pity Wilson)

Well, another example of such character...just that he is a non-fiction : My dad! (sorry, dad....)

In this topic....I'm just gonna discuss about the behavior....

Remember when House stayed in Cuddy's house and leaving in the morning, while Cuddy asked him to take the trash out and stop using her toothbrush (pretty disgusting huh), House always managed to slip away from these duties, therefore ignoring other people's feelings....after he succeeded to get what he wants to get....( you know...what that happens between a male and female). Until, House found out that Cuddy is really pissed off. And Cuddy will be having a surgery about a "cancer tumor", (actually it wasn't) after the whole episode's  are "blood in urine" symptoms (including Cuddy). Fortunately, House reacts appropriately to such situation: He bought his own toothbrush, and accompanied Cuddy during and after (he freaked out at the "Before" process) the operation....and in Cuddy's dreams.

On the other hand....

As for dad, well....I was being paid to house chores...and is that supposed to be in a family? I mean, family should do things together, and not supervising and giving instructions to the rest just because you have some little fortune! When it comes to togetherness, yes...I'm talking about from the head to tail process...meaning not disappearing into thin air in the midst of something!'s an incident, (might be a small issue, big enough for me), at first I didn't wanna have lunch at home....because we (dad and I) have to cook. I don't mind cooking or washing, as long it does not take a long time and ended up exhausted. I just can't tolerate the whole nagging stuff and "demanding for more" issues! Instead of getting pissed, hence making me irritated, why don't we settle things TOGETHER?

We're one big family!

Cuddy finally found out that House is on Vicodin....and broke up with him....
The question is....what will happen to my dad??
(it's just comparing the behavior, not that my dad is on drugss!!)

(wait, its not contrast....its similarities...I suppose)

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