Wednesday 27 July 2011


Let me have no idea what the title is about.....
It's simply the combination of the word Vandal (vandalism) and Malaysians.
Freaky huh?
Clogged drains 

Rubbish here...rubbish there....rubbish everywhere!

Dare to walk through....?
P/S: cover your shoes' soles with plastic bags before attempting the above stunts....

I think there's some juice on my hand and camera. 

People acting blind....even warning signs from the city council....

pity....TM-Net.....your sacrifice will end up with more sacrifice.....

It's a river down there.....try jumping in...and you'll have chronic skin disease?

Great!!!! Even the desk in tuition????? (Believe wasn't me)

Hope its functioning well.....despite the stickers all over.....

Spread the @rt?:
Itchy hands and for memories to crosser by....I guess....that the streets, walls, tables, toilets, chairs, doors, (any places that a human hand can reach.....I know what you're thinking.....if its scribbles on the skin, then its called tattoo...) are just packed with words, graphics,  or just simple, plain, purposeless scribbles...just to test whether the ink is functioning. 

Along Business... comes one of Malaysians most feared organizations....don't has nothing to do with terrorism...However...Along (money lenders) are most likely to people that lend $$ without license....and is against the law...with an interest kinda attractive....yet full of traps....

Once you fail to return the $$$ you borrowed + the comes trouble....
like....having your face printed and pasted on walls/streets to humiliate you....
  or....whacking you or family
  or....many other bloody stuffs.... think before you act....especially when coming across with the "promotions.../packages"

Simply playing "bull"
Heard of "a bull in a china shop?"...and that's what happened to the infrastructures which was meant for our convenience, but twisting the whole purpose upside down. Even from the tiniest piece of trash slipping out from your hand/s could bring upon tragic flash are such pathetic. Find somewhere suitable to dispose your unused items, kay...? And, if possible, please recycle or reuse certain items in support of saving planet Earth....(planet Earth is the place where you were born, currently living, and the place you lay down forever, FYI).

There are many places for you release your anger....for example....your pillow...your friends (juz kidding)...or me....but definitely by wrecking the whole town as if Fat Boy atomic bomb has been dropped down....or at least making the town appearance like your bedroom....

At last.....look who's cleaning up trails of your sh!t?

Hoping for people from other countries to clean up the mess on your behalf???
that's explain why we are not moving forward....
they come....
they work...they get paid...
they gain experience...
they go back....
they tell everyone how useless or dependent we are

We sit...
we stare...
we smile...
we pay....
and earn nothing....
while the streets get dirty again.....

To whom are we gonna depend ....
next time...
they leave us....?

P/S:: its not that bad picking up rubbish...and throw them into the dustbin...rite?

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