Sunday 24 July 2011

Sports Carnival (not that grande, so its Sports Day!)

"Why I'm even here????", I thought upon stepping into the school gate....
I'm not even involved in this!!!!
So...I was forced to the attendance is marked....
to show support for my sport house....Jentayu.....ohhhh great.....
finally Jentayu means Phoenix!!!!!! which was tragically defeated by the
Peaceful Pigeon (merpati) in red
Exemplary Eagles (helang) in green
Cool-looking Crane (Bangau) in blue
Histrionic Hornbill (Kenyalang) in yellow

ooohhhh....Jentayu turned out to be last....BUT
We still got the coolest T-shirt eva!!!

I've got nothing much to'll let the photos to do the talking....

The green, green grass of school.... 

Behold...the weird statue of weirdness with some charm....

Quarter Master drawing the lines. kanan...HORMAT!


The "Mark" board.

Food...glorious food!

24-Season-Drum Members.

Stretcher checked,  First aid kit checked, water checked...where's the first aid Kid?

Stop and stare....

Overall view..


Colourful people....

24-Season-Drum Performance

Taekwondo performance

Yup, That's the Taekwondo coach!

Waiting for their turns to unleash their strength to the max!

You must be kidding me that I'm kidding with you. 

St. John on duty

Congrats, Kenyalang! * (overall champ is Merpati)

Run!! Run like the wind! *

*Photo courtesy of Law Jhun Wern 

Basically, the heat is there....just that I got another kind of heat.....wrath.....why?
Don't ask....just don't sit on other people's neck with your legs between.....

and I know, .I have absolute awareness that I'm not as strong as you.....

so...its not necessary to keep reminding on how weak I am.....
that's the reason I entered Taekwondo....while you kept on saying that it suckzzzzz.....

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