Monday 11 July 2011

Malaysia : reality or dream?

Hey guys, this is the other article on Malaysia for the NiE. 
The article's like a extreme content.

Malaysia Once Upon A Time:
On his seminar, Australian ex-politician Keith Webb Wright, and the creator of the 4S approach to literacy and language as well, stated that Malaysia is his second home. Basically Malaysia is a beautiful, colourful and diversified country. People that visited Malaysia loves the food, the culture, the history, the serenity and the nature. Also, he noticed that the Malaysian-English accent is quite different, sometimes obscure compared to other countries. He mentioned that Malaysia used to have one of the best English standards in the Asia region, but instead of striving harder, and not just in aspects of English, Malaysia is lagging behind and being overtook by countries, like South Korea. The peninsula of Malaysia was once famously known as the Golden Chersonese (land of gold). But, what we have today is just the “Land of Immigrants” or some call “First class facilities, Third Class Mindset.”

Due to its diversified society, Malaysians communicate in various languages. Malay, Mandarin, Tamil and English succeeded in giving Malaysians a new texture and identity, yet another barrier when going international. Yes, we have a couple of languages in hand, but how deep could we dive into understanding? As a multilingual speaker, we tend to borrow some vocabularies that we cannot figure out. We might be “wide”, unfortunately it barely reflects an ounce of professionalism, a perfect match to the phenomena 400,000 degree-holders left unemployed.

The Madinah Concept:
So, are the governmental policies pulling Malaysia behind? And is our veneration of Malaysia’s democracy and justice partly to blame? It is quite a gamble to the government that Malaysia is the only country in the world that provides preferential access to benefits, like public contracts, university scholarships and home purchases to Malays (bumiputra). Could the issue regarding the SPM scholarship controversy a gesture to reformation? Merely, but it does help in building a better country. The consequences? Malaysia’s brain drain takes flight and will soon soar high. Is Malaysia following footsteps of the once glorious Madinah city, established by Nabi Muhammad SAW? Yes, Malaysia is an Islamic country, and is multiracial. However, the country lacks elements of brotherhood. Such concept was the bond to all prosperity, and today is heaved behind by those narrow-minded people and selfishness.

The Legacy:
Concerned on such issues, Prime Minister YAB Najib Razak is repaving the pock holes of many Malaysians with the idea of 1Malaysia. Slow and steady the government is taking 3 times the effort (as there are 3 main races) in molding perceptions of a true Malaysian, particularly the young ones. In fact, the 1Malaysia legacy is to be implanted in very generations. Taking the “1Meat, 1Malaysia” video from 15Malaysia for example, it changes insights of many people. On this piece of land, politics is the prime factor on issues of economy and the society. Supposed have been that the cabinet takes care of the people’s privileges, instead it is the other way around, while getting a “out-for-lunch” service in return. In this case, we are the guardians, but who will guard the guardians?

The Next Milestone:
It is never too late to make a change. Don’t give up when you reach 55 (retirement age). Today we achieve aspects of a 1Malaysian, tomorrow we will be striving for Vision 2020. All these restoration   in redefining Malaysia may get us throwing up, but is a threshold to throne up.

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