Saturday 2 July 2011

Simply eventful...

Hey guys,
There's just too much happenings 'round me on 1st July,'s how it went:

1) Education Fair (aka Career Fair)
~woohoo!! Our school's finally having an activity that's constructive!  After being missed out for several years, FINALLY (again) I got the opportunity to participate. There were quite a number if institutions taking part, including INTI Uni Col. , Sunway Uni, Nottingham (MY), etc... I visited from booth to booths and kept on filling up forms so that I could receive updates via mail or FB. The simplest booth that I came by was Taylor's as it the booth (a table) has only 2 types of papers (a brochure on a Taylor-ian's life & a feedback form). As for Sunway, my friend told that instead of promoting, the person in charge was actually demoting the courses due to her touch-n-go explanation ( meaning not giving answers that should have been). I was just being dragged by The Automobile College guy who was quite friendly and giving me support in my studies. Although not really interested in such fields, he said never mind, however hoping me to give the brochures to the others. Some came with a purpose (including me), to seek their dream career, inspiration on what they should be doing, or just grab a few freebies (notebooks, pens) !!! Insightful!

2) Student Prob.
~ I'mma @#$%^&* you guys up as soon I see you guys. As the edu. fair was held in the hall, the assembly was conducted in the car park. As a prefect, I've got to settle the students and keep them in order. Everything went well, although its a little hectic. It went MESSY when the assembly was dismissed...students not in their lines, noise BANGING on your eardrums. Simply chaotic! No matter how hard and loud I shouted, seems like I'm buried underground and nobody hearing listened a single sound. Damn PISSED!

3) Juz Forget it, guys. Take it lightly, k?
I received apologies from teammates of NiE Mag Inc competition as they were new regarding such activities. After being forbade by my parents, I wasn't able to finish the whole thing. Deadlines creeping up my chest, the sense of giving up heating my brains. I would have been perfect if I was able to continue my Masterpiece....Kay...back to the apologies thingy, I'm not those kind of peep that HATE others for not meeting requirements of my own. Others have their things to settle and in fact we (including me) should (have been) (be) more considerate. No worries guys!

4) Bon Voyage!
Dear Pn Rohani,
my dearest Moral teacher,
life's so cruel taking you away from our school,
you made a choice,
to help those MORE in need.

No component 
of your endeavor shall supersede the other  

5) Kindness of a stranger.
Went to tuition at KL. At the LRT station, when I grabbed my wallet from my pocket, a RM5 note slipped out as well. Thanks to an uncle, he returned it to me. I smiled at him. He nodded. The End

6) A sense of satisfaction.
Finally, I handed up my first piece of Chinese essay during tuition! Short though...but seriously took me some time on finishing these lines! (I'm so dead when my parents find this out!)

7) Just hurtsss
"Oh man! Damn! " those mistakes in the exercises are just killing me!!!
especially of Chemistry and Physics.
I love them..(at least I showed enthusiasm in them!)
Nevermind...I'mma try harder next time!

8) Impressed!
I arrived back home at around 9pm after a row of tuition attended. While having my late dinner, I received a call from my friend, Yi Fai, that he would like to stopped by to get the NiE template. And, I said if he's ok with that, come ahead!

After 2 bites, the phone rang again and he was at the gate! I handed him the templates and discussed 'bout the whole process stuff. After that, he went off with his bike.

That's the first time I saw such dedication from a friend on sharing my load. Thanks, mate!

9) Happy Birthday, Noel.
Sorry for not knowing that its your birthday.
Nothing much to say...
you're just world's coolest girl.

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