Saturday 31 December 2011

All in All : Year 2011

To sum up year 2011, the year that I thought would be the greatest time in my live. So much for my superstitious mind on thinking that my birthday is special : 11/11/11. Instead, I've been meditating whilst listening to the the roughest way Canon in D could be played. Terrible moment. Here's some memories that I would like to share....

Chinese New Year. 

Some Carl Jr. sss

Some new menu by Mc Donald's

Some meetings

Since I've no diaries, why not having a blog instead?

Some exercising

Some classmates moments. and some food

Some trips to colleges, on hospitality and culinary.

Some times with me brothers.

And some cleaning up of the school compound. Part of the Moral Project.

Some "family" trees.

Some cute and adorable moment, except me.

And some performances.

Some dedication.

A trip to Malacca. Some exploring and capturing.

Some pictures in Graduation Night. 

Some Kung-fu

Some cuddly moments, some prefer the term "gay".

Some coffee time.

Being idiotic at certain times.

Some moments with teachers.

Some green.  

Some responsibilities. 

Some smiles and cool times.

Some cleaning up.

Some family moments.

A goodbye to the Nissan.
(Oh! I haven't update on the new car!)

Some studying. 

Some planning.

Quote of the year: 
不过如此, inspired by Wong Ching Yee. 

Wednesday 28 December 2011

D Class : Drive and Drift : L License

Ok, Dad registered me to get a driving license at Perfect Driving Academy. The package was for D class (car) and is about RM638. I went for my Kurikulum Pendidikan Pemandu (KPP) on the 24/12/11 and took the test on 28/12/11 (today). KPP is a session whereby you're implemented some moral values and some things that you have to know, especially the KEJARA system (demerit sys). Try finishing all the exercises or questions. It's really helpful. I studied for like two hours through the book and did SOME questions only. Wow. The KPP session was conducted for around 4 hours by Mr. Thurai and another Malay guy (sorry, can't remember). We watched some stunts by Mr. Bean driving his Mini Cooper. And something like this :

Don't play the fool, people....XD

I took the test (Undang) after 3 days (28/12), and studied last minute (for like 2 hours and finishing the first 140 ques and last 100 ques). Since there are limited seats for the candidates, we have to wait, approximately 2 hours. In the meantime, I almost finished studying the KPP book. There were hundreds of people waiting to sit for the test, and only 1 girl at the counter/reception for you to get registered, photographed, thumb-printed. In the "examination room" was kinda cold, and I finished the questions in like 20 minutes...then I checked again for 10 minutes and got 46 corrects out of 50. 

How the class looks like. 

The Teori/Amali (Theory and Practical) class was conducted by Mr. Azmi and another Malay guy (sorry, can't remember...again). It was less than 6 hours and was kinda casual. The first session was in the classroom while the second one was at the driving track to allow us to understand how the test goes. Then it rained...and we learnt what are the aspects to be emphasized during the test on the road...real road. 

Split your brain into four (each for your limb).  It's like playing a drum. 
Keep on practicing, until your limbs develop its own brain. 
                                                                                                       ~Mr. Azmi

The centre in the book and the real centre. 

Around the driving centre at Puchong Prima 

I'm wondering what does DIE mean....

I got to know a guy, Leong Woon How and I can't find him on Facebook! 
I guess I got his name wrong. I must admit that he is quite good looking. (I'm not gay, u idiot)

The pursue for driving license shall resume after I finish PLKN (around April)

Monday 26 December 2011

Reconstruction on Labels

I'll be making some adjustment to the labels...based on A to Z, and some series like SPM.

Adventures. Some experience
Bleak. Everything seems gloomy and there seems to be no hope ahead. Guideless. Gutless. And all the negative emotions contained in here.
Cradle. In other words, referring to the society and environment that brought me up. May refer to social behaviors and events going on.
Decorum. The etiquette. Behaving well. Covers from balls to dinners and other formal events.
Encore. Experience of any sorts that is really catches my attention, that earns my respect.
Family and Friends. Moments together to be treasured and cherished.
Gastronomy. Anything that involves eating and drinking. Dining experience.
Halo. Ask Beyonce. OK. This column refers on somebody special, amazing. 
Inspiration. Some contemplation that comes naturally.
Joy. Happy times.
Knotty. A knot in a case, that shreds time, efforts. Difficulties.
Lambent. Definition: Flickering with a soft radiance. A light. A hope.
Music and Movies. A glance at the screen and a beat in the ear.
Nostalgia. Longing for the happy moments in the past.
Opt. Choices.
Perspectives. Personal opinion. Always wrong. In fact, there’s no wrong or right.
QWERTYUIOP. Completely random stuffs, or is it plain coincidence? Both, in this case.
Rage. Another emotion. Wrath. Anger.
Soar. Creativity unleashed. Imaginations unlatched.
Toil. Working hard.
Vertigo. Dizziness. A package together with “Bleak” and “Opt”.
Winser. Things about me.
Xtreme.  Some exciting experience OR  some people that act so.
Yo Look here. Some interesting stuffs.
Zealous. Eager of something. A desire.

Lost & to-be-Found and Christmas

To anyone who reads (probably just me...)...anyway...

Merry Christmas. May you have bright days ahead of you. I know I've been not so keen in updating this "blog" and it's kinda lame. The fact is, I have no idea what I'm supposed to write. There 5 days left (just ignore the time posted at the end of this post, b'cos it's wrong) to end year 2011 and so far, everything is peaceful, no bloodshed at least. This is the last year I'm in secondary school and everything ahead of this milestone seems complicated. I have no idea what I wanna/I'm gonna be; I can't choose which A-level (or equivalent programs) in which institute. Dad, Mum and I kept arguing and discussing.

If I dream of becoming a lawyer, dad says, I MUST go for STPM (4th toughest exam on earth, based on Arull) in order to avoid the Certificate for Legal Practice (CLP) which all Law (LLB) graduates from private universities (local and foreign) MUST sit. The passing rate for CLP is very low, and hence, Dad freaks out.

If I dream of becoming an accountant, dad says, I MUST go for Sunway College Foundation in Accounting or CAT, then proceed to ACCA. Altogether takes 3 years. I'm a Science student. I have no clue what is Accountancy or what is it about. At least, I think it's a job that deals with money.

In my dad's time, people have limited resources and choices. My dad became an engineer.
In my time, people have excess resources and choices. I'm lost. See how does "I'm fine with everything" phrase kill people?
Indecisiveness, the crucial part for a child, that saves time, and time is life.
Preparedness, the essential segment for parents, that saves time, and time is money.

Basically, I can do anything.

"Wrong, my son," Mum said "When I was your age, I was like you, too. You're not brilliant, but you have a large learning capacity."

The moment when parents say "Nevermind la!", is the time they're uncertain of how things would turn up to be, or they're just being overconfident. Another misconception from a parent: Whatever we studied at your age was tougher than what you learn today." The worst part? Nobody listens, and keep on being wrong.

Life is complicated. If you notice, not all information are tucked into those stacks of brochures that you got. It feels like my future that lies in your hand is nothing but just good business. (sounds like Pirates of the Caribbean 3, eh?).

If you guys notice that I've been posting "inbox me any number and see what I say about you" s, it is really kinda fun to lay back and contemplate the moments we had together. In the meantime, spreading loves and "true words" in a nice way to fill up my emptiness (both soul and time). By the way, I reserved the word "special" just for "you". And there comes the feeling again.

There're a few great movies that I've watched during the holidays:

I spent my afternoon cleaning up my desk during Christmas, and in Times Square with my family. I think, people should have gatherings in their houses, instead of looking for parking spaces, queuing up for food, avoiding from flashing cameras (I'm one of 'em with the cameras, but mum don't allow me to take pictures of people), and squeezing through the crowd. I think, more quality time should be spent among family members and friends. Roast turkey, anyone?

This year's (2011)theme for Christmas (my pick) : White Christmas (I know it's not snowing in Malaysia)
2010: Winter Wonderland
2009: Last Christmas
2008: Come All ye' Faithful

Saturday 24 December 2011

Christmas Eve '11

It's Christmas eve. Wishing everybody a joyful Christmas and be merry always. This year, Christmas will be all about sharing the joy and spreading the love. Wishes and words (true words), it's the least I can do. Put all the burdens down and pray. Gain more strength to go for more miles.  I'm sorry if I've offended, neglected anyone of you. Don't worry. I realize my mistakes. Thanks, Lord for everything...and Jesus, Happy Birthday.

Thursday 22 December 2011

My Life is Great

When you do choose your wife, meaning your life, your soul becomes a part of hers, thus living someone else's life. I don't mind all of these, the only thing I'm concerned is "will life be great"?


Wednesday 21 December 2011

Orbs of Happiness '11

The art of making Tang Yuan (flour ball) is kinda fun. It is supposed to be a family activity, but since Mum went back to Taiping with aunts, and Dad is sleeping (his stomach never sleeps), so I tried to make some Orbs of Happiness. Just be careful of the amount of water you mix with the flour or else its gonna go shitty (Pic2).

According to mum, people in China endure strong winter about this time (December) and family members gather around to make some Tang Yuan, which is then boiled in water with ginger to feel warm. "Tang" is soup, while "Yuan" brings the meaning round, further interpreted as reunion

Happy Winter Solstice Festival, peeps. 

SMK SK : Graduation Night : One Last Dance

Hi. I've just attended the SMK Seri Kembangan Graduation Night in Bukit Jalil Golf and Country Club last night. Basically, this will be so-called the "last gathering" among the form 5 students. The principal, Mr. Tay Keng Lee PPN and YB Dato' Dr. Ivan Hoe Wat Sing both gave an inspiring speech. One of them is where Dr. Hoe taught us his "secret to success" which he "charges" for RM10,000...but we have a contract: We need not pay now, but should we succeed in life, we shall contribute the amount to the school. Right....secrets of success : 6I's : Initiative, Imitative, Innovative, Inventive, Improve, Implementation. however, I would like to correct that Steve Jobs (quoted in the "inventive" part) did not invent many of the i-products, however, he improved the original product. (bahhh! who cares.) 

It's actually a prom. But to me, ya' know, I still consider it as a "graduation night".

It was  a beautiful night. Here's a view of the Bukit Jalil Golf Course. 

My food! Gone! eerrrmm....Apparently, a few friends and I were seated at the VIP table, meaning that food is served on our table, without us queuing up for the food.  

Nurfajrina (Ryna) and me. Wow...everybody looks amazing and gorgeous and hot and great!

Ahh! The prom princess of the night, Balqis (Starqyz Laverie)

Picture with the awesome monitor of my class, Noraini (Aini). 

WOwowwowwo. Ruthresh, Noraini and Nurfajrina. All looking gorgeous!  

Syahmie (great in Soccer) and me. 

Balqis, Ang Bin Ting, Nurfajrina, Noraini and Siva. 

Ang Bin Ting and me. This guy is strong and smart. Unstoppable!

Sing the song of Freedom! Or...uurmm....the song of where we shall depart. Performed by the Head Prefect / emcee, Hew Chun Fei and Ho Jing Fung (the best voice ever heard).

Preformed by Joanne, and birthday girl, Yee Wai Ying (fishball).
Joanne gave her a surprise by asking the crowd to sing a birthday song to her after the performance! 

And then there was Big 7 performance. They have a great vocalist, a bass player, a guitarist and acapella! Their performance was great. 

Winser, Kevin (he got great moves, check him out here XD) and birthday boy, Wong Kek Leong. 

Thinniesh (assistant monitor of 5D1) and me.

Ruthresh and Siva (OMG! She looks like Selena Gomez! watcha think? XD)

Ruthresh and Siva. Great people to hang out with. great we are!

Ting Meau (assistant Head Prefect): A great whistler, great sense of music, Loves Oldies, soon-to-become great guitarist.  

Vincent Yap and his gang. Sorry guys, I didn't get the chance to know you guys. Actually, I do...just that I don't know your names. I'm sorry. XD

How weird that I looked like a puppet sneaked into people's pictures.

Yee Chor Jhun (wow! you dyed your hair!), Jing Mun (assistant Head Prefect), Yee Qiong (laughs a lot, and says "things" that makes you laugh), Ting Meau (assistant Head Prefect) and me. 

One last song : 

I'm running through these hoes like drano
I got that devilish flow rock and roll no halo
We party rock yea! that's the crew that I'm repping
On the rise to the top no led in our zeppelin

一日为师 终身为师 
(once a teacher, forever a teacher) 
                                                                       ~Mr. Tay Keng Lee PPN

This is just the end of the beginning.
                                                                                   ~YB Dato' Dr Ivan Hoe Wat Sing

Too bad...I didn't get to see you last night. Guess that I won't be seeing you any sooner. You're special. 

for some laughs (out of the topic)

Bored? Gimme another chance...

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