Monday 26 December 2011

Lost & to-be-Found and Christmas

To anyone who reads (probably just me...)...anyway...

Merry Christmas. May you have bright days ahead of you. I know I've been not so keen in updating this "blog" and it's kinda lame. The fact is, I have no idea what I'm supposed to write. There 5 days left (just ignore the time posted at the end of this post, b'cos it's wrong) to end year 2011 and so far, everything is peaceful, no bloodshed at least. This is the last year I'm in secondary school and everything ahead of this milestone seems complicated. I have no idea what I wanna/I'm gonna be; I can't choose which A-level (or equivalent programs) in which institute. Dad, Mum and I kept arguing and discussing.

If I dream of becoming a lawyer, dad says, I MUST go for STPM (4th toughest exam on earth, based on Arull) in order to avoid the Certificate for Legal Practice (CLP) which all Law (LLB) graduates from private universities (local and foreign) MUST sit. The passing rate for CLP is very low, and hence, Dad freaks out.

If I dream of becoming an accountant, dad says, I MUST go for Sunway College Foundation in Accounting or CAT, then proceed to ACCA. Altogether takes 3 years. I'm a Science student. I have no clue what is Accountancy or what is it about. At least, I think it's a job that deals with money.

In my dad's time, people have limited resources and choices. My dad became an engineer.
In my time, people have excess resources and choices. I'm lost. See how does "I'm fine with everything" phrase kill people?
Indecisiveness, the crucial part for a child, that saves time, and time is life.
Preparedness, the essential segment for parents, that saves time, and time is money.

Basically, I can do anything.

"Wrong, my son," Mum said "When I was your age, I was like you, too. You're not brilliant, but you have a large learning capacity."

The moment when parents say "Nevermind la!", is the time they're uncertain of how things would turn up to be, or they're just being overconfident. Another misconception from a parent: Whatever we studied at your age was tougher than what you learn today." The worst part? Nobody listens, and keep on being wrong.

Life is complicated. If you notice, not all information are tucked into those stacks of brochures that you got. It feels like my future that lies in your hand is nothing but just good business. (sounds like Pirates of the Caribbean 3, eh?).

If you guys notice that I've been posting "inbox me any number and see what I say about you" s, it is really kinda fun to lay back and contemplate the moments we had together. In the meantime, spreading loves and "true words" in a nice way to fill up my emptiness (both soul and time). By the way, I reserved the word "special" just for "you". And there comes the feeling again.

There're a few great movies that I've watched during the holidays:

I spent my afternoon cleaning up my desk during Christmas, and in Times Square with my family. I think, people should have gatherings in their houses, instead of looking for parking spaces, queuing up for food, avoiding from flashing cameras (I'm one of 'em with the cameras, but mum don't allow me to take pictures of people), and squeezing through the crowd. I think, more quality time should be spent among family members and friends. Roast turkey, anyone?

This year's (2011)theme for Christmas (my pick) : White Christmas (I know it's not snowing in Malaysia)
2010: Winter Wonderland
2009: Last Christmas
2008: Come All ye' Faithful

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