Wednesday 28 December 2011

D Class : Drive and Drift : L License

Ok, Dad registered me to get a driving license at Perfect Driving Academy. The package was for D class (car) and is about RM638. I went for my Kurikulum Pendidikan Pemandu (KPP) on the 24/12/11 and took the test on 28/12/11 (today). KPP is a session whereby you're implemented some moral values and some things that you have to know, especially the KEJARA system (demerit sys). Try finishing all the exercises or questions. It's really helpful. I studied for like two hours through the book and did SOME questions only. Wow. The KPP session was conducted for around 4 hours by Mr. Thurai and another Malay guy (sorry, can't remember). We watched some stunts by Mr. Bean driving his Mini Cooper. And something like this :

Don't play the fool, people....XD

I took the test (Undang) after 3 days (28/12), and studied last minute (for like 2 hours and finishing the first 140 ques and last 100 ques). Since there are limited seats for the candidates, we have to wait, approximately 2 hours. In the meantime, I almost finished studying the KPP book. There were hundreds of people waiting to sit for the test, and only 1 girl at the counter/reception for you to get registered, photographed, thumb-printed. In the "examination room" was kinda cold, and I finished the questions in like 20 minutes...then I checked again for 10 minutes and got 46 corrects out of 50. 

How the class looks like. 

The Teori/Amali (Theory and Practical) class was conducted by Mr. Azmi and another Malay guy (sorry, can't remember...again). It was less than 6 hours and was kinda casual. The first session was in the classroom while the second one was at the driving track to allow us to understand how the test goes. Then it rained...and we learnt what are the aspects to be emphasized during the test on the road...real road. 

Split your brain into four (each for your limb).  It's like playing a drum. 
Keep on practicing, until your limbs develop its own brain. 
                                                                                                       ~Mr. Azmi

The centre in the book and the real centre. 

Around the driving centre at Puchong Prima 

I'm wondering what does DIE mean....

I got to know a guy, Leong Woon How and I can't find him on Facebook! 
I guess I got his name wrong. I must admit that he is quite good looking. (I'm not gay, u idiot)

The pursue for driving license shall resume after I finish PLKN (around April)

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