Saturday 10 December 2011

SJK(C) SB2 : Primary School Life (2001 to 2006)

Primary school @ SJK (C) Serdang Baru 2. As you can see, I was quite fact I was only 142cm during Form 1. And, my "picture shooting" was a little horrifying...sorry...if the people are not in complete form.

A brief introduction in my Primary School Life (2001 to 2006)
During Standard 1 (1J), I encountered one of the "fiercest" teacher after much pampering in the kindergartens and by my parents. My writing was horrifying and had to do plenty of corrections. I also made fun of the teacher, who is a little short because "she likes to carry heavy things (yes, she carries a few bags into class everyday) which leads to some kind of stunted growth." Mum was very strict about my studies and make sure that I finish my homework the day they were distributed. Once, I didn't finish one and mum tore my exercise book into half. Then, I had my first scolding regarding my examination results by my mum.

Standard 2 (2J)was some sort great, in the sense that our teacher was really nice and friendly, but strict at certain times, of course. That's when my results got much better and made quite a lot of friends. It was my first time cleaning up other people's vomit. Then there were "puppy love" issues going on, but you know, things never last long.

Third year (3B), I was afraid of the class teacher till I didn't turn up for 3 weeks. This is my first time being in the best class, which means more workload and homework. There are times that I got embarrassed in front the class for not completing my homework and poor results (Chinese), which led to me going for tuition. I even scolded my English teacher "stupid" and I think that was pretty bold. Heck, I got 40th position in the class.

Things get more stable in Standard 4 (4C) and I got better results. That's when the term "brotherhood" was established between classmates. I became a prefect that year, and it was pretty awesome. I joined the scout and we gained a little things about knots, injuries, songs, Baden Powell, rules and signs. I got offered to 4B class for getting good marks, but I declined. The competitiveness in the B class freaks me out somehow.

It was sweet in Standard 5 (5C). Under En. Ishak's guidance (greatest BM teacher of all times), I got involved in Syarahan (Speech) and got more active in competitions. My BM was *BOOM* awesome...for a Chinese. I got a "Kepujian" (credit) in the Zon Petaling (Petaling Zone), first place in school level.

UPSR year (government exam), Standard 6 is when we all worked hard, very hard. I strongly believe if I maintained my dedication towards my studies, I would have been a better student now. And I got 2nd place in Zon Petaling this time in speech and yea, the trophy was a tall one. However, I didn't go far and both of us (representing Zon Petaling) didn't reach the top. I got 7As in my UPSR and became "student of the year." I have to admit that Liew Wilson is an awesome guy, and with that he would have won this title, with 2 more votes. Standard 6 was also, my biggest mistake for not taking the "application for desired secondary school" thingy seriously. I applied for Catholic High School, and instead I got SMK Seri Serdang. After one week there, I transferred to SMK Seri Kembangan, which had minimized the impact on me failing to become a great person.

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