Monday 26 December 2011

Reconstruction on Labels

I'll be making some adjustment to the labels...based on A to Z, and some series like SPM.

Adventures. Some experience
Bleak. Everything seems gloomy and there seems to be no hope ahead. Guideless. Gutless. And all the negative emotions contained in here.
Cradle. In other words, referring to the society and environment that brought me up. May refer to social behaviors and events going on.
Decorum. The etiquette. Behaving well. Covers from balls to dinners and other formal events.
Encore. Experience of any sorts that is really catches my attention, that earns my respect.
Family and Friends. Moments together to be treasured and cherished.
Gastronomy. Anything that involves eating and drinking. Dining experience.
Halo. Ask Beyonce. OK. This column refers on somebody special, amazing. 
Inspiration. Some contemplation that comes naturally.
Joy. Happy times.
Knotty. A knot in a case, that shreds time, efforts. Difficulties.
Lambent. Definition: Flickering with a soft radiance. A light. A hope.
Music and Movies. A glance at the screen and a beat in the ear.
Nostalgia. Longing for the happy moments in the past.
Opt. Choices.
Perspectives. Personal opinion. Always wrong. In fact, there’s no wrong or right.
QWERTYUIOP. Completely random stuffs, or is it plain coincidence? Both, in this case.
Rage. Another emotion. Wrath. Anger.
Soar. Creativity unleashed. Imaginations unlatched.
Toil. Working hard.
Vertigo. Dizziness. A package together with “Bleak” and “Opt”.
Winser. Things about me.
Xtreme.  Some exciting experience OR  some people that act so.
Yo Look here. Some interesting stuffs.
Zealous. Eager of something. A desire.

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