Friday 16 December 2011

Genting Thrill (13-15/12/11) : Day 1

Straight to the point....zap! with full description as far...or better known as a "report".
"Days" is from the moment I woke up till I fell asleep, not based on time.

Ting Meau and family gave us (Jakey Wong, Yee Qiong, Joanne, Jing Hong, Yi Fai, me) a treat to Genting Highlands.

 I arrived late by 15 minutes (0845), Yi Fai and Yee Qiong were already there. Then Joanne popped out and dragged Yee Qiong for the toilet. Jing Hong finally arrived. Had a tough time with the ticket vending machine, so we opted for the ticketing counter. Departed for Pudu Raya Bus Terminal from Bukit Jalil LRT Station. Ting Meau and Jakey joined us at Sg. Besi LRT Station. Arrived at the Plaza Rakyat and proceeded to the Pudu Raya Bus Terminal. Waited for the bus to arrive. With Jing Hong's DSLR (Canon 60D) along, that's when Joanne got struck by the so-called "Camera Syndrome" (a gentler phrase for cam-whoring ) till the end of the trip.

Ting Meau

Boarded the "Go Genting" express bus for Genting (duh?) at gate 13 (I think...didn't get to see the ticket). Clear traffic at the DUKE Highway through winding stretch of the Genting Highlands road.

Arrived at Gohtong Jaya via express bus, then took the cable car to Genting. The gondola got overloaded with another 2 aunties on board. Jing Hong "sacrificed" to join a pair of Sikh couples in another gondola. Ting Meau had a conversation with the aunties and through the slang, they had something in common : are Penangites (people from Penang) and are living in Kuala Lumpur. Through the (approximately) 25 minutes-ride across the tropical rain forest, with some howling of apes, and of course, laughter (I'm lame, so it's rarely from me. Note that. I'll post something 'bout this issue.) , we arrived at the Genting Skyway. While waiting for Ting Meau's family to arrive (to check in the hotel), we ordered 2 sandwiches ('bout RM42!) at the Bakery, but at least, the names sounded good and taste awesome, seriously awesome, like this:

and then...I lost consciousness of time.

Before we could lay our fangs on the bun, Ting Meau's family arrived. We had our luggage kept with the bellboy, then we joined Ting Meau's family for lunch at Imperial Rama.

Here's something new (to me) : chopsticks have genders (公筷, 母筷) , which the the female (red) is used to take food from the dishes, and male (black) is in contact with the picked food and the mouth. It's rather confusing, but the concept is quite hygienic, meaning you don't get infected easily via the saliva. Such confusion could be voided if there is a ladle or spoon provided on each dish (source: Jakey    XD). Among the dishes: patin with sweet & sour sauce, spinach, shredded ginger with pork, tofu with slippery soup (broth), fish cake, deep-fried shrimp. Heavenly. Guess I need not explain every dish, eh?

The room:
I know that the picture is kinda blur, but it ain't my camera's fault. Blame it on Photoscape.

Located inside Genting Hotel, the Maxims Suite is like.....OMG. (I can't figure out any suitable word).
There're lots of windows with awesome views, 2 TVs with DVD-cum-radio player, 2 washrooms, furnished with glass and wooden cabinets, great lighting, sofas, a K-bed with lots of pillows, safety boxes and spacious enough for 7 of us. The girls get the bed, while the boys get the sofa and floor. However, we (boys) did messed-up the bed with wrestles and pillow fights. As a result, a lamp was almost broken. It was then mended by Ting Meau's magic hands.
Oohh...there's even a TV at the bathtub! 

We stayed in the room while Ting Meau and Joanne went shopping. Watched TV, fooled around, explore the room etc.

Right after they came back, we headed towards the First World Plaza for bowling. RM3 for shoes, RM2 for socks and RM11 for the game. When getting the bowling shoes, you might be wondering why they only keep one shoe, while you hold the other, it's to prevent theft. Despite the score, we still had fun. 
Jakey and Ting Meau's bro, Ting Sun with the a iPad. 

Jakey in action.

The snooker centre was pretty crowded. Bloody people trying to act cool yet stupid enough to not understanding the "No Smoking" sign,  the concealed space from the counter was filled with smoke. Oh...well. It's non of my business. So, we strolled along the shops. Snow World was closed due to some sort of maintenance.

At night, we had dinner with Ting Meau's grandparents. Most had chicken and duck rice, while I went for something light: wantan soup. Yes, just wantan and soup. The lighting placed above the fans made the ambiance kinda dizzy due to the flickering shadow. Then we stopped by the stage to see some aerobic performance and it goes like this:

Jakey got pretty hooked up to the Christmas performance. Boys have break dance, so girls have aerobics. 
Then, there were mascots for us to fool and to take pictures with. Pity them. 

Ting Meau and Joanne posing at the "Missing Person" pole. 

First World Plaza, Genting Highlands.

Yee Qiong, Joanne, Jakey, Yi Fai, Ting Meau and Jing Hong.

Playing with the revolving door.

We watched Youtube videos till late night, chatted, watched TV and teased each other. 
among 'em:
Hippo Explosive Diarrhea

Failed moonwalk


圣魔之血的邂逅--原來愛上你之 《讓愛。》LOVE可蜜短片

And we watched this as well. The setting is in our school and it's a simple story about love and friendship. I really do admire Kyan Seah's hard work esp. in editing. I am terribly sorry if I commented bad things 'bout this video. I know that if I were them, I would be far more worse. I'm sorry. 

Like Kyan Seah on Facebook  ==> HERE <==

Jackson and the gang joined in as well. They played poker while Choo took some great photograph of the night scenery. It's basically like this, just that it's a 100 times better:

Ting Meau wrestled with Jing Hong and knocked his head at Jing Hong's tooth. A little bleeding on the scalp. Then, Yi Fai hurt his toe nail while shifting to make way for the sleeping bags. From his look, it's pretty painful. *Ouch*   Ting Meau poured some of his grandfather's made medication (oil) to stop the bleeding. Jakey was really sensitive to blood and kept on flushing the blood-stained tissues into the toilet bowl. That sums up day 1 with lots of blood. 

Oh...something 'bout the toilet/bathroom: There's not latch to lock. So, control yourself, people.

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