Monday 19 December 2011

Genting Thrill (13-15/12/11) : Day 3

Woke up around at 0930 and it's "check-out" day. I was thinking of getting the bus tickets and then I went again to the Genting Bus Terminal and came back with nothing but a whirlwind of wrath. It's pretty cool that I'm great with hiding my emotions. XD I hated that guy. What on earth could a service counter put on the "NO INFORMATION COUNTER" ? I ignored that and still asked him. Then, his sight shoved away from the newspaper. He stared at me while I asked him can I get to Pudu through here. Then, impatiently, he scolded "Tak Tahu Baca kah?" Though annoyed, I smiled and apologized, but actually, I am terribly unsatisfied with the service. What about that "customer is always right" concept? OK, let me rephrase it : Since I'm not a customer yet, then that is definitely how to treat a "potential-customer" ! Like what I heard from the arms-dealer in MI4: Ghost Protocol : Every potential terrorist is a terrorist.  Thus, every potential customer is a potential customer. I guess that they put a horrible guy by the end of your journey (if you wanna get out from Genting by bus) to scare you back to Genting for one more night.

Next time, when this repeats, I will...reply coldly:
Kalau kau cakap baik-baik, saya ingin bagi tip RM50. Tapi sekarang, kau punya servis teruk. Lupakan aje la!!! @#$%^&*() #$%^&*()_ #$%^&*()_ #$%^&*() $%^&*()
Kay, I'm soon I got a soak in the pool, opened only for the Genting and Maxims guest. Wow..such a privilege to soak in a warm pool. Only 4 of us (Jing Hong, Joanne, Jakey and me) went into the pool. The fact: it's been quite a long time I didn't go to the pool, so I my moments in water went terrible. XD The awesome part when you got out from the pool and head for the changing room, it's pretty cool. Seriously cool. It's a good thing that they have warm shower and I bathe for quite a long time.

Joanne and Jakey. 

Jing Hong with the girls (Jakey and Joanne)

Half wrapped Cam Syn mummy

And no. You cannot see me half-naked in the pool. Not now. XDXD

Jakey and Jing Hong bathed in the hotel room, while the rest were busy packing. It's been a very awesome room. But, now we're heading home towards our bed that we are so fond with. One night's 'bout RM1400 and that's quite a lot. I'm gonna miss my room-mates and this room for sure.

After we checked-out, we went to Hainan Kitchen (again) for lunch, chicken rice, still, but this time is roasted chicken. Yee Qiong imitated Jakey to munch on the sugarcane, but gave up as the boys made fun of the action. Then, headed to the Genting Skyway, took the cable car back to Gohtong Jaya, bought bus tickets back to Pudu Raya. It was a safe journey in the bus, safe enough for me to fall asleep. Then, reached Bukit Jalil station around at 1745. Arrived home. The end

nonono.....I'm not telling you the room no...I know you're gonna stalk on me XD

Song of the trip: 

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