Friday 9 December 2011

Bukit Jalil Park

Wake up in the morning, went to park, my friends all weren't there, meaning that they cancelled things without informing me. So, it's just me, my camera and the park. I spent 3 hours there and walked the whole park like 3 times...

Cause baby you're a firework...actually you're just a little flower...

Hello sunshiny day

Go find another bin la! Aiyoyo...our mothers taught us since small already : there's a place for everything, and make sure everything is in place. Those people belong together with the trash. What? I'm trying to save some oxygen for our grandsons. (I'm sorry)

By The rivers of Bukit Jalil

Spider Lily

Ribena flower

veins of a leaf.

I have no idea what fruit is this.. 

British structure


Fruits dropped from a tree.

Morning dew? Guttation


Malay House

Monkey...female monkey?


Who's that little kid stuck on the sign board? (it might be something serious, like a missing child?)

Bukit Jalil Park.


With Viagra

Without viagra... (I'm sorry! XD)

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