Wednesday 21 December 2011

SMK SK : Graduation Night : One Last Dance

Hi. I've just attended the SMK Seri Kembangan Graduation Night in Bukit Jalil Golf and Country Club last night. Basically, this will be so-called the "last gathering" among the form 5 students. The principal, Mr. Tay Keng Lee PPN and YB Dato' Dr. Ivan Hoe Wat Sing both gave an inspiring speech. One of them is where Dr. Hoe taught us his "secret to success" which he "charges" for RM10,000...but we have a contract: We need not pay now, but should we succeed in life, we shall contribute the amount to the school. Right....secrets of success : 6I's : Initiative, Imitative, Innovative, Inventive, Improve, Implementation. however, I would like to correct that Steve Jobs (quoted in the "inventive" part) did not invent many of the i-products, however, he improved the original product. (bahhh! who cares.) 

It's actually a prom. But to me, ya' know, I still consider it as a "graduation night".

It was  a beautiful night. Here's a view of the Bukit Jalil Golf Course. 

My food! Gone! eerrrmm....Apparently, a few friends and I were seated at the VIP table, meaning that food is served on our table, without us queuing up for the food.  

Nurfajrina (Ryna) and me. Wow...everybody looks amazing and gorgeous and hot and great!

Ahh! The prom princess of the night, Balqis (Starqyz Laverie)

Picture with the awesome monitor of my class, Noraini (Aini). 

WOwowwowwo. Ruthresh, Noraini and Nurfajrina. All looking gorgeous!  

Syahmie (great in Soccer) and me. 

Balqis, Ang Bin Ting, Nurfajrina, Noraini and Siva. 

Ang Bin Ting and me. This guy is strong and smart. Unstoppable!

Sing the song of Freedom! Or...uurmm....the song of where we shall depart. Performed by the Head Prefect / emcee, Hew Chun Fei and Ho Jing Fung (the best voice ever heard).

Preformed by Joanne, and birthday girl, Yee Wai Ying (fishball).
Joanne gave her a surprise by asking the crowd to sing a birthday song to her after the performance! 

And then there was Big 7 performance. They have a great vocalist, a bass player, a guitarist and acapella! Their performance was great. 

Winser, Kevin (he got great moves, check him out here XD) and birthday boy, Wong Kek Leong. 

Thinniesh (assistant monitor of 5D1) and me.

Ruthresh and Siva (OMG! She looks like Selena Gomez! watcha think? XD)

Ruthresh and Siva. Great people to hang out with. great we are!

Ting Meau (assistant Head Prefect): A great whistler, great sense of music, Loves Oldies, soon-to-become great guitarist.  

Vincent Yap and his gang. Sorry guys, I didn't get the chance to know you guys. Actually, I do...just that I don't know your names. I'm sorry. XD

How weird that I looked like a puppet sneaked into people's pictures.

Yee Chor Jhun (wow! you dyed your hair!), Jing Mun (assistant Head Prefect), Yee Qiong (laughs a lot, and says "things" that makes you laugh), Ting Meau (assistant Head Prefect) and me. 

One last song : 

I'm running through these hoes like drano
I got that devilish flow rock and roll no halo
We party rock yea! that's the crew that I'm repping
On the rise to the top no led in our zeppelin

一日为师 终身为师 
(once a teacher, forever a teacher) 
                                                                       ~Mr. Tay Keng Lee PPN

This is just the end of the beginning.
                                                                                   ~YB Dato' Dr Ivan Hoe Wat Sing

Too bad...I didn't get to see you last night. Guess that I won't be seeing you any sooner. You're special. 

for some laughs (out of the topic)

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