Sunday 18 December 2011

Genting Thrill (13-15/12/11) : Day 2

Woke up at 5.44a.m. and everybody's still asleep, stayed awake for about 30minutes then went back to sleep.
Jakey woke up first then everybody woke up. Had instant noodles for breakfast.

*fast forward* and not in sequence.

Bought both outdoor and indoor tickets at the price of RM59. Here are the brief intro 'bout the activities, no pictures, yet.

Pirate Ship
It's like a pendulum whereby it swings. You'll slightly feel the thrill when it reaches a certain height, then swings to the opposite side. Nothing scary about this.

My 2nd roller-coaster ride after the one in Berjaya Times Square, KL. Not too bad either. At first I thought it's gonna make me dizzy or chickened out, but during the ride my heart didn't pump adrenaline. It's just some brutal shaking on your body.

We queued up for the Grand Prix Fun Cart Ride. No bags allowed,so Ting Meau, Joanne, and Yee Qiong went to search for the locker. Have this ever happened to you that, one person queuing up on behalf a group of people who are not there? Indirectly, the queue gets longer, longer waiting time and finally, more frustration. The people who got their queue "cut" kept on shouting (protesting) "Q! Q! Q!" while the other had no choice but to retreat. I strongly suggest that the administration to talk to the people "cutting lines" instead of letting the 'Q'ers do the talking, which might lead to some bloody scene. Finally, we gave up waiting.

and we met up Ting Meau and the gang for some Herbal Eggs (RM1.50 each)

Spinning Cups
I rather call it the "Tornado of Doom plus lots of dizziness". It was pretty "spinny" and I leaned my body outwards the cup, in which that the blood gushed into my head, leading to some terrible headache.
Here comes my weird theory:
People with better concentration/focus (which see and remember things easier) tend to have higher possibilities of having headache. 

Please correct me.

Bumper Boats
I took the queuing time to recover from the headache. Bumper boats are just like bumper cars, just that it's a motor on a float with no wheels (duh?). Be careful while bumping with others as you may get wet. A boy bumped at us a few times so we decided to give him a lesson by "besieging" a friendly manner.

Ferris Wheel
Ahhh! Here comes the relaxing ride. 3 of us boys (Jing Hong, Yi Fai and me) cramped into one compartment and started to act gay. It was a breathtaking ride to see almost the whole theme park from up there.

Ting Meau bought 250 arrows for RM99 and was divided into 7. I'm starting to get a hold of this game. No bulls-eye so far. It requires strength, endurance, accuracy. The bow should be parallel to your eyes while the other hand holding the bow is straight. That's the theory.

It started to drizzle a little while we queued up for the Rajang River Ride, so that ride will resume in 20 minutes time. Who cares it's raining or not. We're still gonna get wet during that ride. *splash*

We had lunch at Hainan Kitchen. Chicken Rice (steamed).
After that, we met the other group of friends and I decided to buy tomorrow's bus ticket back to KL. That was my first time buying tickets at Genting, so I didn't know well. Pardon me. I asked the counter fellow whether I could buy tomorrow's ticket and I didn't hear clearly that he said "besok naik besok beli" (ride tomorrow, buy tomorrow). It was kinda awkward till Jing Hong rescued me. No tickets bought.

Jing Hong and I met the others at the Spinner, which Jakey and Yee Qiong were on. Ting Meau, Yi Fai and Joanne were riding the Merry-Go-Round.

Pirate Train
The queue was not long. Nothing scary, so Jakey and Jing Hong made shouted to add some thrill during the ride. Yi Fai took some awesome pictures during the ride.

Dinosaur Land
Mmmm...around 5 dinosaurs with plenty of rocks and a suspending bridge, which many people rocking it. Ohh...there's a homo-sapien statue greeting you at the "ribs" entrance. It was pretty cool and misty, a great place to let your thoughts set soar. *Icky* yeah...I was being it's not a trauma from any of the previous rides.

Bumper Car
The sort of game that suits everybody, whereby you could bang anyone. In this case, the boys focused on the girls (Jakey and Yee Qiong). While queuing up, the boys observed which car is the smoothest. I didn't pay much attention to the conversation. And, I didn't even feel like playing, so I hooked up with Yi Fai in the same car. The working principle of the bumper car is quite simple, there's an antenna at every car in contact with the metal net above which gives out electricity, hence generating the motor. One of wires got snapped, and the faulty car was blocking the way, so the attendant tried to push the car aside, but his efforts were of no avail. Then comes the cleaner which succeeded by sliding the car using one foot (like a skateboard) and controlling the steering. The attendant could only laugh in vain.

We queued up for the Flying Dragon, basically a roller coaster as well. Since no camera is allowed during the ride and I've rode that before (with mum), I skipped this one and took care of the DSLR. This is the first time in my life using a DSLR and the pictures taken were awesome. Pardon me for not knowing how to use this thing.

Yi Fai brought Jing Hong's camera along the ride and took some really great pictures of us. The spinner is basically a swing that rotates, instead of going forth and back. The crayola blue and azure sky was really beautiful, paired together with the awesome lighting of the Spinner, a perfect combination. Told ya' (or now you know) I have a great POV on seeing things!

Pirate Ship
Yea...we played it...again. And this time I brought Jing Hong's DSLR along. *rock a bye baby on the tree top*

A slow and steady game, and some of us got anxious and decided to loiter in that double-storey rotating structure. We were all shocked when the Indian operator is fluent communicating in Mandarin while asking us not to move around!

Oooh...Jakey, Yee Qiong, and Yi fai went for the Space Shot for 4 times!!!! Wow.  It propels you till 185 feet of the ground and drops you till you can't scream. Looks pretty exciting and scary at the same time. Now, I regret it. XD    I promise, I'll be back.

Grand-Prix Fun Cart
Ok. This time we made it...after a long queue. However, it was worth it. XD An uncle chatted with me on critical it is for me to plan for my future now, importance of getting good results and socializing. He is from Penang, a Hokkien, and speaks fluent Malay. He stated that the future trend that tough jobs will get a higher pay and Australia is a great place to study. I found quite contradiciting when he mentioned that "when we're older we'll have lots of time to play" and then his wife and son appeared, impatient of the queue and asking him to "abandon" the queue. I think, we'll never get to enjoy full privilege of fun at all stages of life. I think I could pass my driving license! XD although I appeared almost last.

Choo, Jakey, Yee Qiong, and Yi Fai went for the Flying Coaster ride. After their first round, I wanted to join along as it looks pretty exciting, but the queue was closed. This is something new that your body is laid horizontally and being projected through twists and thrills and finally ended with sudden jerk. Woootz! That's the closest thing you could be like Superman!

Bumper Car
Somehow, we played the bumper car again. I was beside Yi Fai who was driving. Jakey and Yee Qiong got bumped pretty hard by the boys. Sorry! XD

4D Motion Master
Ever watched Mr Bean : The Movie where he visited a 4D movie theater and played with the wires to make it more exciting? Well, this one is different. First, you have to queue up. I mean qqqquuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppp, for like more than 1 hour just to experience the show. Ting Meau taught Yee Qiong how to whisle, Jing Hong was quite hungry and a little sleepy, Yi Fai played with Ting Meau's PSP, Jakey was FBing via handphone (I guess) and I was observing the crowd. At the entrance, we were given a pair of glasses each and being seated on a special chair with safety belts on. The show started, named "Pirate Story" with you being part of the thieves trying to steal "something" from a pirate in a museum. The pirate got alive and then all the crew and crabs were alive, then we were being attacked and canons everywhere. Finally, the pirate got killed by his own canon. The End. was 3D alright, but the 4th D didn't give me much suspense and excitement. Actually, the chair just shook with some "sssss" sound bothering beside your ears. Again, I got a little dizzy after wearing the glasses. We played with the escalator by going up against it, and I tripped. * Embarrassed* XD

Euro Express
The indoor roller coaster ride is basically fast and sweeps steep corners. It gives you a view of the indoor theme park from above, whilst "shooting" across the KLCC, Big Ben, Venice, Eiffel Tower etc. The only thing that freaks me a little is I thought that I'm gonna bang into the San Francisco Bridge before it comes to a halt.

Once we got back to the room, Jing Hong and Yi Fai straight way fell asleep, without having their clothes changed or took shower. I would have done the same as well, but the motherly and the extremely hygienic cautious Jakey instructed me to. Yea...I'm an obedient kid. Then, the rest who were still awake looked at the photos mostly taken by Ting Meau and the rest of us. Oh expressions were really weird. I have to take extra precautions on the way I walk, talk, smile, wear, stare etc etc etc. Yi Fai was sleeping at my place actually, so I slept at his...on the sofa. Ting Meau put on "Canon in D" all night that got us fell in sleep in no time.

Good night.

I'll conquer the Space Shot and Flying Coaster next time... XD

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